What Pokemon are you?

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This quiz shows you which Pokemon you should be out of these seven: Rockruff, Sprigatito, Cubone, Pikachu, Sylveon, Fennekin, and Buizel. So yeah. Mhm.

The descriptions of the results are based on how some Pokemon of that species act in the anime, what personality I would associate with a type, and dex entries.

  1. Do you like going to parties?
  2. Are you irritable?
  3. Are you energetic?
  4. You are new at school and someone asks if you wanna hang out. What do you do?
  5. Are you depressed?
  6. Do you often worry about your appearance?
  7. How do you feel in social situations?
  8. What type best fits you?
  9. How would people describe you?
  10. You fall and hurt yourself in front of someone you're starting to become friends with. They ask if you're okay. What do you do?
  11. Hmm. Let's say the person you're becoming friends with fell. What do you do?
  12. Someone asks if they can borrow your phone. What do you do?
  13. How do you dress? Yes this is important.
  14. I'm trying to get to fifteen questions.
  15. Would people describe you as sweet?
  16. Bye.

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Quiz topic: What Pokemon am I?
