Which eeveelution are you?

Hello welcome to my quiz. Are you a Pokemon addict who is obsessed with everything pokemon? Or did you just come across this quiz and just decided to do it? Either way just enjoy it!

This quiz will tell you which evolution of eevee you are. You probably already know the various options there are, like Vaporeon and Sylveon. It is very good quiz please enjoy it and I really do hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!

Created by: Forest Eevee
  1. Favourite colour?
  2. Genre of music
  3. Clothes?
  4. Favourite season
  5. What scares you the most out of these options?
  6. What is your favourite eeveelution?
  7. Gender?
  8. Favourite pokémon?
  9. What do people describe you as?
  10. You go on a vacation, what do you do?

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Quiz topic: Which eeveelution am I?
