Roleplaying Game Quizzes
Roleplayer games allow you to play a character or control a group on a series of quests to attain items and defeat villainous forces. Unlike many other games, RPGs usually feature a lot of dialogue which tells an elaborate story.
This page is home base for RPG quizzes on GoToQuiz. Do we have a quiz on your favorite game? Have a look!
Our RPG Quiz List
- Which "Tales of" protagonist are you?[by: lemongel, rated: 4.45rated: 4.45/5, published: Oct 25, 2018]
Find out which character you are from the "Tales Of" series of fantasy RPG games by Bandai Namco.
- What Fallout 4 faction are you most like?[by: Thomas Perozze, rated: 4.29rated: 4.29/5, published: Oct 5, 2016]
Ever wonder what Fallout 4 major faction you are most like? Well look no further! I have taken other quizzes before, and mainly their idea of the best faction…
- Which Wadanohara character are you most like?[by: Ver, rated: 4.27rated: 4.27/5, published: Jun 3, 2017]
If you like Wadanohara then take this quiz and see which character you're most like out of ten possibilities.
- Which Castle Cat Are You?[by: Robin, rated: 3.94rated: 3.94/5, published: Jun 7, 2017]
Ever wanted to know which cat hero would be your best friend? Take the Quiz and find out which one of the cat heroes from Castle Cats resemble you the most!
- Which Miitopia Job Are You?[by: The DANK Lord, rated: 3.89rated: 3.89/5, published: Jun 5, 2021]
Nintendo's game Miitopia features a protagonist (played by a Mii of your choice) that picks a class or job, that determines their role in battles against…
- Your Personality type based on Disco Elysium[by: Nate, rated: 3.55rated: 3.55/5, published: Feb 17, 2023]
Here is a personality test based on the four attributes of the game : Disco Elysium. It is possible after taking this test that you will see clearer in your…
- What RPG Class/Job Best Suits You?[by: mrduckbear3, rated: 3.42rated: 3.42/5, published: Mar 6, 2007]
This test is designed to see what kind of a class, generally a Final Fantasy type RPG you'd best represent based on your own physical traits and interests.…
- What OMORI character are you? (MAJOR SPOILERS WARNING UwU)[by: DETEBYMISTER, rated: 3.12rated: 3.12/5, published: Apr 15, 2021]
Take the quiz to find out which character from Omori you are. Just for fun! Contains spoilers, so be sure to play the game first.
- How well do you know Nyx from Fire Emblem Fates?[by: Byleth Eisner, rated: 3rated: 3/5, published: May 1, 2021]
How well do you know this obscure magical girl from Fire Emblem Fates? Take this quiz if you're itching to find out!
Elder Scrolls Quizzes
Find them on our Elder Scrolls page.
Final Fantasy Games Quizzes
Find them on our Final Fantasy Games page.
Legend of Zelda Quizzes
Find them on our Legend of Zelda page.
MMORPG Quizzes
Find them on our MMORPG page.
Pokemon Games Quizzes
Find them on our Pokemon Games page.
Undertale Quizzes
Find them on our Undertale page.
Witcher, The Quizzes
- What Witcher School do you belong to?[by: MintyHippo, rated: 4.48rated: 4.48/5, published: Aug 9, 2017]
Much of what the community knows about the different schools of witchers is speculative as it is not covered well in the books or games. I compiled all…
- What Witcher school do you belong to?[by: fellvoid, rated: 4.1rated: 4.1/5, published: Apr 24, 2017]
In the vast lands of the Witcher fantasy series, there is more to being a Witcher than you might know. There are several Witcher Schools - each offering…
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