Which heroes of Olympus character are you most like?

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Ever wondered which Heroes of Olympus character you are most like, well you don't have to wonder anymore, just answer a couple questions and I will tell you which Heroes of Olympus character you are most like.

This is my first quiz so please no hate, but if you have any feed back or if you saw a mistake please let me know. Credits to the wonderful artist who drew these art pieces ( not me sadly) and to the amazhang Rick Riordan(who is also sadly not me.)Have fun!

Created by: Niko Parrish
  1. What is your gender?
  2. Who is your godly parent? Pt. 1
  3. Who is your godly parent? Pt 2
  4. Are you a introvert, a extrovert, or an ambivert.
  5. What's your favorite color?
  6. What's your best quality?
  7. What's your worst quality?
  8. Do you have ADHD?
  9. How would your friend describe you?
  10. What is your favorite school class?
  11. What do you do in your free time?
  12. Would you rather be called:
  13. Would you rather be called:
  14. Which would hurt the most of said to you you?
  15. What's your biggest fear?
  16. Where do you want to be when your an adult?
  17. What's your ideal weapon?
  18. Favorite genre of books?
  19. Do you like things messy or organized?
  20. Favorite animal?
  21. What would you do in capture the flag?
  22. Have a great day! :)

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Quiz topic: Which heroes of Olympus character am I most like?
