Your Personality type based on Disco Elysium

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Here is a personality test based on the four attributes of the game : Disco Elysium. It is possible after taking this test that you will see clearer in your dominant personality type.

Take your time to answer the following questions, there is no need to rush. Don't forget to answer honestly. If you are indecisive about one of the question, take the answer that is the closer to yours.

Created by: Nate
  1. You push a door and arrive to a party. Loud music, drinks, and thousands of people. Half an hour later, what are you doing ?
  2. You are still on the nightclub. It is getting late, but suddenly, you hear gunshots and everyone starts running to the main exit of the club.
  3. If you get punched in the face by someone, what is your reaction ?
  4. If you had to fight, in what way would you be the best ?
  5. What is your motto ?
  6. What are you the most proud of ?
  7. Would you say you are a “cool” person ?
  8. Would you say you are in good shape ?
  9. Would you say you are smart or witty ?
  10. Would you say you are good at understanding people ?

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Quiz topic: My Personality type based on Disco Elysium
