How much do you know about Sinnoh? (Pokemon)

Sinnoh is the fourth region of the Pokemon world. It is filled with tons of amazing pokemon, and I hope you think so too. Maybe you wanna test your Sinnoh knowledge?

Uhm thats all I had to say. I need more characters in this paragraph. Uhhhhhhhh... so let's see if you are a Sinnoh master! Ugh still not enough characters.. oh there.

  1. Which one of these were introduced in Sinnoh (gen 4)?
  2. Who is the ice type gym leader in Sinnoh?
  3. What is the Sinnoh regional bird? A regional bird is a low level bird pokemon introduced every gen, like Pidgey.
  4. Which one is the true grass type starter in Sinnoh?
  5. Which one is the true water type starter in Sinnoh?
  6. Which one is the true fire type starter in Sinnoh?
  7. Is there a grass type gym in Sinnoh?
  8. Poffins or Poke puffs in Sinnoh?
  9. Which is an actual fully evolved starter of Sinnoh?
  10. Which gym leader is NOT in Sinnoh?
  11. Last but not least, do you think you did well?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Sinnoh? (Pokemon)
