your "The 13th Zodiac Sign And The Sacred Stone Hunt"knowled

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Welcome to the ultimate quiz for fans of ‘The 13th Zodiac Sign and the Sacred Stone Hunt’! This quiz is designed to test how well you know the characters, plot twists, and key moments in the story. Whether you're a devoted reader or just starting your journey through the novel, this quiz will challenge your understanding and attention to detail. Ready to prove you're a true fan? Let’s see how much you really know!

In this quiz, you'll be asked a series of questions about the events, characters, and mysteries of ‘The 13th Zodiac Sign and the Sacred Stone Hunt.’ Each question has multiple answers, but only one is correct. Don’t worry if you don’t get everything perfect—use it as a fun way to test your memory and maybe even discover some parts of the novel you missed! Take your time and enjoy the challenge!

Created by: M. Hassan
  1. What is the age of Harry when he woke up?
  2. what is the name of the person who looked after Harry when his Father died?
  3. How Uncle Mark realized that Harry is the chosen child?
  4. Why did Fantom Want the sacred stone?
  5. Whose voice was in the last chapter echoed?
  6. in which country did they found the stone piece of fire?
  7. what was the power of Horizonthans that can work even without the sacred stone
  8. why fantom have not grew up even after 10k years?
  9. what is the name of the wife of Uncle Mark?
  10. where did they find the stone piece of Nature?

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Quiz topic: My "The 13th Zodiac Sign And The Sacred Stone Hunt"knowled
