What Wings of Fire tribe are you?

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What wings of fire dragon tribe are you? Find out in this fun quiz that has the option of getting any tribe! Tribes include: Mudwing, Icewing, Leafwing, Sandwing, Skywing, Silkwing, Hivewing, Rainwing, Nightwing, and Seawing.

These are very vague questions, so you aren't entering any type of personal information in this personality quiz. Remember, this is just for fun so no stress!

Created by: OceanSunfishDog
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What continent do you want to live in?
  3. Early bird or night owl?
  4. What is your best quality?
  5. What is your worst quality?
  6. Do you think Tsunami and Anemone are stuck up?
  7. What is your favorite Tribe pt.1
  8. What is your favorite tribe pt. 2
  9. Favorite food?
  10. What arc is your favorite

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Quiz topic: What Wings of Fire tribe am I?
