Which Wings of Fire Tribe are You?

Hi! This quiz is to find out which tribe you would belong to if you were indeed a dragon living on either Pyrrhia or Pantala. Chomping MudWings, or Diving SeaWings. I hope you have fun.

Please enjoy and rate me out of ten stars in the comments!!! Thanks for playing!! Make sure to share with your friends and family. Have loads of fun and may Clearsight bless you.

Created by: BigWings
  1. What would you do if your home was attacked?
  2. What is your favourite snack?
  3. Ideal home?
  4. Favourite colour?
  5. Do you like water?
  6. Do you like to read scrolls?
  7. Can your tribe fight?
  8. Who would you support in a war for the throne?
  9. Occupation??
  10. Did you enjoy??

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Quiz topic: Which Wings of Fire Tribe am I?
