What Wings of Fire Dragon are you?

Hello, I hope that you enjoy my quiz, and that it is accurate. I made it about as accurate as I could, and I just really hope that it works well. Thanks for trying my quiz! I will be adding more in the future, but this is it so far. This is my first quiz by the way.

Please note that most of these choices are counting the tribe as a group, but there are most definitely individuals who would not go by these options. Also, these are only the dragons of Pyrrhia.

Created by: Joe
  1. What is your favorite general food group?
  2. What is your favorite pass time?
  3. Do you have difficulty hiding your emotions?
  4. Who would you ally with in the war?
  5. If another dragon attacked you, what would you do?
  6. If you had animus magic, how would you use it?
  7. If someone foretold that there was going to be bloodshed, and you cannot save everyone, who would you save?
  8. If you can pick a superpower, what would it be?
  9. What is your favorite school subject?
  10. Which dragon are you hoping to get?

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Quiz topic: What Wings of Fire Dragon am I?
