WINGS OF FIRE What Pyrrhian tribe are you in?

What Pyhrrian tribe are you in? What things do dragons eat? What can they do? What abilities do they have? Take this test to find out which tribe has a personality like yours!

There are a couple questions and on each, you will choose the answer that suits you the best to get a proper result. Please don't try to get an answer that you want. Remember, everyone's personality is different!

Created by: Lindsay Ouyang
  1. Which answer has the most of your favorite colors?
  2. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
  3. If you were a dragon, what would you look forward to the most?
  4. If you could eat anything, what would you eat?
  5. What are your favorite animals?
  6. What is/ are your favorite name(s)? (girl/ boy)
  7. What best describes you?
  8. What part would you use in battle?
  9. What power(s) are your favorite?
  10. What do you think about the three sisters? (Blaze, Blister and Burn)
  11. Which queen(canon) is your favorite? (If you don't know all these queens, then just choose your favorite name)
  12. What is your favorite type of weather?
  13. It's a day off from battle training, what do you do?
  14. What is your favorite type of gem?
  15. You are in a battle. You see that your queen, parents and friend are pinned down. Who do you save first?
  16. And last question. How do you rate this test?

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Quiz topic: WINGS OF FIRE What Pyrrhian tribe am I in?
