What tribe are you from in Wings of Fire? By Midnightzone :3

This is a quiz to see what type of tribe you are from in Wings of Fire! And because there are some particular beginners, who don't have a quiz to see what type they are from, without seeing spoilers, so here you are. 😏😎😊

I hope you enjoy this, because I worked REALLY, really, hard to make diverse personalities for each dragon you get. I'm sorry if you're male, and get female, or vice versa, or if you act nothing like the dragon you get, these are NOT what YOU act like, it's about what TRIBE you're from. Well, with that explained, I hope you enjoy and don't think of this as a waste of your time... ok, you know what?? Just take the quiz already. 😉😖😅

Created by: H L
  1. Midnightzone the hybrid: hi. sorry, yes, I know, EVERYONE asks this, but what's your fav. color(s)?
  2. Midnightzone the hybrid: umm what's you fav. 'dragonet of destiny?' This will be hard for many...
  3. Midnightzone the hybrid: What sounds coolest to you??
  4. Midnightzone the hybrid: If you were an animus, and you could ONLY enchant these choices, what would you pick to enchant? : 3
  5. Midnightzone the hybrid: Ok, what gem sounds prettiest??
  6. Midnightzone the hybrid: Ok, Wooo! You're almost through! Where would you like to live? :-3
  7. Midnightzone the hybrid: What tribe do you wanna get?
  8. Midnightzone the hybrid: If you didn't get to be the dragon you might of just picked, what would be your 2nd choice?
  9. Midnightzone the hybrid: What color eyes sounds best to you?
  10. Midnightzone the hybrid: Are you ready to see your score? (This won't effect your score.)

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Quiz topic: What tribe am I from in Wings of Fire? By Midnightzone :3
