Wings of fire what tribe are you?

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My quiz is to find out what tribe in wings of fire you are from. In this quiz you will be asked a range of questions only you can answer. Please answer truth fully.

Are you going to be a Icewing, Leafwing, Rainwing, Seawing, Silkwing, Skywing, Sandwing, Mudwing or a Hivewing. This is a fun mindbending quiz so enjoy.

Created by: Mads
  1. What is a way to discribe you?
  2. Are you?
  3. What is your favourite subject?
  4. What power would be your dream power?
  5. What would you rather?
  6. Were would you like to live?
  7. What is your favourite element?
  8. What is your favourite Pyrrhian tribe?
  9. Whta is your favourite Pantalan tribe?
  10. What do you hope you get?

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Quiz topic: Wings of fire what tribe am I?

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