What Type of Dragon from WOF Are You?

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If you are interested in knowing what type of dragon you are most like from Wings of Fire, then you can take my quiz and find out. If you’re not, I don’t know what you’re doing here.

You can get: Skywing, Icewing, Sandwing, Nightwing, Seawing, Mudwing, or Rainwing.(Also none of the art is mine obviously, so credit to the artists and stuff)

Created by: Luna
  1. Would you fight, and how?
  2. Would you eat meat?
  3. Which place sounds most appealing?
  4. What is your personality most like?
  5. Which super power(s) would you want?
  6. Which one would you hate to be called?
  7. You are hungry, and you see a chicken. What is your reaction?
  8. What is your favorite time of the day?
  9. If you were a dragon, what sounds like the best way to spend your day?
  10. What kind of name do you like for yourself?

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Quiz topic: What Type of Dragon from WOF am I?
