Wings of Fire Quiz Page
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- Wings of Fire
Quizzes inspired by the award-winning book series by author Tui T. Sutherland. With these, you can find your tribe, your character match, and more!
- WoF CharactersFind our best quizzes about the characters in the Wings of Fire series.
- WoF TribesEver wonder which tribe you would be in? Rainwing? Sandwing? Maybe even a hybrid.
Our Wings of Fire Quizzes
- Which Wings of Fire character are you? (Arc 2)[by: Reptile2107, rated: 4.78rated: 4.78/5, published: Aug 12, 2024]
Hello! Welcome to the "Which Wings of Fire character are you? (Arc 2)!" This quiz will determine which protagonist from the 2nd arc you are! Characters being…
- Will you get in Jade Mountain Academy?[by: Sundew WoF, rated: 4.49rated: 4.49/5, published: Mar 28, 2022]
Have you ever wondered if you will get into Jade Mountain Academy? This quiz is just for you then! This quiz involves true or false, and fill in the blanks to…
- Which Icewing Dragonet Circle Do You Belong In?[by: Calisigon, rated: 4.28rated: 4.28/5, published: Aug 19, 2015]
Wings of Fire is a truly great series, and many Fanwings claim to be the biggest fan ever. However, some are just frauds. To test your Fanwing levels, let's…
- How Much Do U Know Of Wings Of Fire Book 1?[by: Indominus Raptor, rated: 4.27rated: 4.27/5, published: Jan 10, 2016]
There are a lot of people who may know wings of fire but some people think they know it all. Come test your knowledge. Lets see what you get and think now!
- How well do you know Wings of Fire (All books) EXPERTS ONLY![by: RandomCoolPerson, rated: 4.25rated: 4.25/5, published: May 1, 2020]
Hi, this is a quiz to test your knowledge about Wings of Fire! It also has some harder questions, but you can handle it if you're an expert. Remember that…
- How Well Do You Know Your Wings of Fire?[by: Jimmy Hunter, rated: 4.2rated: 4.2/5, published: Jan 7, 2015]
Wings of Fire is a wonderful series of books about tribes of dragons and a dragon war. There are many types. Among them are SkyWings, SeaWings, RainWings,…
- Wings of Fire Ultimate Quiz!!![by: ~Tsunami~, rated: 4.19rated: 4.19/5, published: Jan 19, 2021]
Test your knowledge of the Wings of Fire with is incredibly difficult Wings of Fire quiz to end all Wings of Fire quizzes! There are 30 very hard questions to…
- How much do you really know about Wings of Fire?[by: AFriendlyDragon-Cat, rated: 4.18rated: 4.18/5, published: Apr 17, 2020]
Many people may be wondering where the heck a good Wings of Fire quiz is. You can always come here if you're looking for one better than all the rest. You…
- Are you a Animus? Queen? FireStorm? or a hybrid?[by: Audrey Gibbs, rated: 4.14rated: 4.14/5, published: Mar 31, 2020]
This Quiz is going to tell you who you are most likely to be, A Queen? An Animus? A Hybrid? Animus Queen? I am a Animus Queen, Queen Gale, Hope to see my…
- How well do you know the Wings Of Fire series?[by: Lizzy, rated: 4.05rated: 4.05/5, published: Apr 21, 2020]
Answer the questions and find out if you are a true Wings of Fire Dragon Master! Are you a casual reader or a lover of all things dragon? Test your knowledge!
- Your Wings Of Fire Soulmate (all Answers Are Females)[by: Clouds, rated: 4.02rated: 4.02/5, published: Apr 9, 2022]
So like, this has many spoilers in it so, don't say I didn't warn you. But anyway, this just tells you who your WOF soulmate is! Who do you think you'll get?
- Wings of Fire Book #2 Quiz![by: Peril96, rated: 3.94rated: 3.94/5, published: Feb 11, 2021]
This is my quiz on the second Wings of Fire book. I tried to make it challenging but not too hard. I hope you enjoy and get a good score!
- Wings of Fire Quiz[by: Tsunami, rated: 3.94rated: 3.94/5, published: Nov 16, 2020]
Do you enjoy reading the Wings of Fire? Well, here is your chance to test your knowledge of what you know! Make sure you have read all 13 Wings of Fire books…
- Are you in the Jade Mountain Winglets or are you a teacher?[by: Sundew WoF, rated: 3.93rated: 3.93/5, published: Mar 29, 2022]
Have you ever wondered, are you a student or a teacher in Jade Mountain Academy? Or what Winglet you are in? This quiz is just for you! This quiz involves…
- Are You An Animus or a Hybrid... or Both?[by: Whiteout, rated: 3.86rated: 3.86/5, published: Aug 17, 2019]
Are you an Animus or a Hybrid... Or even both?! Maybe... Or you could be something else such as a soldier that is loyal to their queen... Or a talons of peace…
- Make your own Wings of Fire dragon[by: Silversky, rated: 3.85rated: 3.85/5, published: Aug 4, 2017]
I'm sure that we have all read the thrilling Wings Of Fire Series and the reason we are here is that we want to create our own character but don't have time…
- Wings of Fire (Books 1-5)[by: Emma Forestwarrior, rated: 3.83rated: 3.83/5, published: Oct 10, 2014]
This quiz is based off of the wonderful series, Wings of Fire, by Tui T. Sutherland. It is meant to cover the first series only. Reread the books, do whatever…
- How Well Do You Know Wings of Fire?[by: SilverFangRules, rated: 3.72rated: 3.72/5, published: Jan 13, 2015]
Are you a Wings of Fire fan? Do you think you're an expert on the books? Do you know about Quibli, Crocodile, Darkstalker, Anemone, And them? Test your…
- How Much Do You Know About WOF? 1-5?[by: Sadie, rated: 4.54rated: 4.54/5, published: Apr 6, 2020]
How much do you know about the Wings of Fire series? Find out in this short quiz that tests how much you pay attention to detail. Expert or amateur? Book 1-5.
- Ultimate Wings Of Fire Quiz!!![by: Ellie, rated: 4.43rated: 4.43/5, published: Jun 8, 2021]
Hi! In this quiz you will be tested to see just how well you know the wings of fire series! Good luck! Be sure you double check your answers so you don't miss…
- Which Wings of Fire tribe are you?[by: Reptile2107, rated: 4.25rated: 4.25/5, published: Aug 4, 2024]
Welcome to the “Which Wings of Fire Tribe Are You?” quiz—a fun and light-hearted way to explore which dragon tribe from the Wings of Fire series matches your…
- How well do you know Wings of Fire[by: LittleFlappySeawing, rated: 4.18rated: 4.18/5, published: May 8, 2021]
How well do you know Wings of Fire? This test will push your knowledge to the limits. How high can you score?Will it be a perfect hundred or zero. Take this…
- Wings of Fire Hard Quiz[by: Henry, rated: 4.16rated: 4.16/5, published: Sep 13, 2022]
This is a fun and friendly Wings of Fire quiz for anyone who would like to do it. 20 difficult wings of fire questions inside. And just have a whole lot of fun!
- What Role Do You Play in Wings Of Fire?[by: Elizabeth, rated: 4.09rated: 4.09/5, published: Aug 8, 2024]
Have you ever wanted to live in the Wings Of Fire universe? Not only do you get to be a dragon, but you can also find out what role you play in your tribe!
- Would you REALLY like to be an animus in Wings of Fire?[by: Relizabetta, rated: 4rated: 4/5, published: Nov 9, 2023]
This quiz will help you reveal the ever-nagging question: Would I survive in a world full of dragons, meanwhile containing the most powerful weapon a dragon…
- How well do you know Wings of Fire Quotes?[by: FirestormTheDragon, rated: 3.74rated: 3.74/5, published: Jun 6, 2023]
Thank you for coming to this quiz! I hope you enjoy this! There are 8 choices for each question, so I wouldn't exactly say that this quiz is super easy.
- Do You Have What it Takes to Survive in Pyhrria[by: Wolf_lover2004, rated: 3.61rated: 3.61/5, published: Mar 21, 2016]
This is from my favorite series, Wings of Fire. This is a quiz on if you can survive their dragon continent (as a dragon) or not. If you can, great. If you…
- How Well Do You Know Wings Of Fire?[by: Yellowfang :), rated: 3.49rated: 3.49/5, published: Dec 3, 2017]
How well to you know Wings of Fire? Are you as nerdy as Starflight or will you be scratching your head like clay? Take this quiz to find out how well YOU know…
- Which Wings of Fire character are you? (Arc 1)[by: Reptile2107, rated: 3.4rated: 3.4/5, published: Aug 9, 2024]
Welcome to the "Which Wings of Fire Character are you (Arc 1)" quiz! As the quiz's name says, you will find out which WoF character from the first arc you…
- How Well Do You Know Your Wings of Fire?[by: Libby, rated: 3.32rated: 3.32/5, published: Jun 23, 2013]
Wings of Fire is, in my opinion, the best series ever! With roaring dragons in a bloody war, it consists of so far four books-The Dragonet Prophecy, Lost…
- Wings of fire. Are you a Animus?[by: Salmon the seawing, rated: 3.22rated: 3.22/5, published: Mar 13, 2022]
In this quiz you will find out if you are a animus from wings of fire. You will answer 5 questions to find out if you are a animus. Questions asking, for…
- How Well Do You Know Wings Of Fire Arc 1?[by: Sakura, rated: 2.67rated: 2.67/5, published: Mar 6, 2022]
Hi! Sakura again! I've been taking a long break from quizzes now so I thought I should better make some more quizzes now. Anyway, this was my first quiz in…
WoF Characters Quizzes
Find them on our WoF Characters page.
WoF Tribes Quizzes
Find them on our WoF Tribes page.
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