Which Harry Potter character will be your soulmate?

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Welcome to this quiz! You will answer 11 questions about yourself and as you do, a magical system will be used to calculate which one of Hogwarts' most famous students belongs to you.

Will you get heroic Harry Potter, quick-tempered Ron Weasley, boastful Draco Malfoy, or pretty-boy Cedric Diggory? A No Cheating Spell has just been cast upon you so that you will answer each question truthfully. Have fun!

Created by: Dobby's Sock
  1. It’s your first Hogsmeade weekend and you get to spend it with your boyfriend. What do you want to do?
  2. Your boyfriend has suddenly become school-famous for winning a Quidditch game. What do you tell everyone?
  3. What are you scared of?
  4. If you were in grave danger, what would you do?
  5. What would likely be the cause of your breakup?
  6. The best moments of your relationship are when…
  7. When your boyfriend is upset, what do you do?
  8. Imagine you were on an exchange program at Hogwarts. Where are you most likely to sit on the Hogwarts Express?
  9. Which of the following would be the most awkward?
  10. What is one of your unpopular opinions about the world?
  11. If you were told to keep your best friend's secret, you wouldn't tell anyone except...

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter character will be my soulmate?
