Which Wings of Fire character are you? (Arc 1)

Welcome to the "Which Wings of Fire Character are you (Arc 1)" quiz! As the quiz's name says, you will find out which WoF character from the first arc you are! The characters are the main protagonists of the first arc, the dragonets of destiny.

I am planning to make quizzes for the 2nd and 3rd arc version of this quiz, possibly a Legends and Winglets one if I feel like it. Also, your answer may not be completely accurate, but that's okay! This is just for fun and isn't meant to be taken seriously. Thank you for reading this and find out which character you are!

Created by: Reptile2107
  1. When faced with a difficult decision, what do you prioritize?
  2. How do you handle conflict?
  3. Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?
  4. What do you value most in your friends?
  5. How do you react when someone insults you?
  6. Are you quick to trust others?
  7. When working on a group project, what role do you naturally take?
  8. How do you approach a new challenge?
  9. Which of these traits do you admire most in others?
  10. How do you usually feel about rules?
  11. Do you prefer working alone or with others?
  12. How do you handle pressure in stressful situations?
  13. When someone you care about is upset, what do you do?
  14. What’s your approach to solving problems?
  15. Which of these statements best describes your outlook on life?
  16. How do you handle failure?
  17. How important is it to you to be seen as strong?
  18. When someone disagrees with you, how do you respond?
  19. Which of these activities do you enjoy most?
  20. How would you describe your sense of humor?

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Quiz topic: Which Wings of Fire character am I? (Arc 1)
