Which Wings of Fire character are you? (Arc 2)

Hello! Welcome to the "Which Wings of Fire character are you? (Arc 2)!" This quiz will determine which protagonist from the 2nd arc you are! Characters being Moonwatcher, Winter, Peril, Turtle, and Qibli.

Keep in mind that this quiz is just for fun! This is one of my Wings of Fire character quizzes I do whenever I feel like it. (I have this bracket cuz I need more words to fill teehee)

Created by: Reptile2107
  1. Do you often find yourself lost in thought?
  2. Which scenario would stress you out the most?
  3. What drives your decisions most often?
  4. Do you feel like you often carry the weight of other people’s expectations?
  5. Which environment do you feel most comfortable in?
  6. When you see someone struggling with a problem, how do you typically respond?
  7. What motivates you the most in life?
  8. Do you often feel like you have to hide your true feelings from others?
  9. When working on something important, what is your biggest concern?
  10. How do you usually react when someone gives you a compliment?
  11. Which of these best describes your approach to solving a mystery or puzzle?
  12. What’s your biggest fear?
  13. Do you believe that everyone deserves a second chance, no matter what they’ve done?
  14. How do you prefer to handle a difficult situation?
  15. Which of these phrases resonates with you the most?
  16. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, what do you usually do?
  17. Which of these qualities do you think is most important for a leader to have?
  18. How do you feel about taking risks?
  19. What do you think is the most important lesson life has taught you so far?
  20. Which of these scenarios would make you the happiest?

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Quiz topic: Which Wings of Fire character am I? (Arc 2)
