Are you in the Jade Mountain Winglets or are you a teacher?

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Have you ever wondered, are you a student or a teacher in Jade Mountain Academy? Or what Winglet you are in? This quiz is just for you! This quiz involves Prophecies and some "Pick a _____". Hope you enjoy!

There are 11 questions. I think most pictures are from deviantart. Anyways, good luck! Some tips: ANSWER HONESTLY. Hope you like your answer! -Anemone

Created by: Sundew WoF
  1. Which Winglet is the best?
  2. Pick a pet
  3. Pick a gemstone
  4. Pick a flower.
  5. Who's your favorite Jade Winglet Character?
  6. What Pyrrhian Tribe do you like the most?
  7. What Pantalian tribe/hybrid do you like the most?
  8. What Royal SeaWing do you like best?
  9. What tribe are you? (No effect on answer)
  10. Read this prophecy. "Turn your eyes, your wings, your fire. To the land across the sea. Where dragons are poisoned and dragons are dying and no one can ever be free. A secret lurks inside their eggs. A secret hides within their book. Av secret buried far below may save those brave enough to look. Open your hearts, your minds, your wings to the dragons who flee from the hive. Face a great evil with talons united or none of the tribes will survive." What prophecy arc is this one in?
  11. "A secret lurks inside their eggs." What can that possible mean?

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Quiz topic: Am I in the Jade Mountain Winglets or am I a teacher?

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