Which Jade Mountain Dragon Are You?

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This quiz is to say what jade winglet dragon you are what it has to say about you. Here some more info about the quiz and why I chose this for the quiz. Also this is my first time.

The reason why I chose a Wings of Fire quiz is because I am a big fan of the book series and some people might like this. The characters are: Kinkajou the rainwing, Moon the nightwing, Carnelian the skywing, Umber the mudwing, Turtle the seawing, Winter the icewing, and Qibli the sandwing. Hope you enjoy!

Created by: Tiris
  1. What do you do with your friends?
  2. What's your favorite thing to do?
  3. What's your favorite food?
  4. What's your favorite game or challenge?
  5. What's your favorite color?
  6. What's your favorite Nintendo character?
  7. What's your favorite Nintendo villain?
  8. What do you usually dream about?
  9. What's your favorite tribe?
  10. What's your least favorite color?

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Quiz topic: Which Jade Mountain Dragon am I?
