What Dragon From the Jade Winglet Are You?

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Ever wondered which dragon in the Jade winglet your most like? Then take this quiz! Hope you enjoy your answer! Who will you get? Kinkajou? Winter? Moonwatch? Come find out!

This is really short, just saying, but it's really nice if you just want to take a really short quiz. I like it. I hope I get Moon! And I hope you get you you wanted to get!

Created by: Moonwatcher fan
  1. Favorite tribe?
  2. Favorite color?
  3. Personality?
  4. Who is your favorite character? (listed here?)
  5. How much do you like NightWings?
  6. Favorite book?
  7. How much do you like Wings of Fire?
  8. Favorite letter? (getting desperate)
  9. Favorite food?
  10. How do you feel about Darkstalker?
  11. Favorite character?
  12. Favorite gemstone?
  13. Favorite flower?
  14. Favorite animal?
  15. Favorite hobby?
  16. Who would you like to be friends with?
  17. Random question: name a word.
  18. Where would you like to live?

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Quiz topic: What Dragon From the Jade Winglet am I?
