Harlow and Popcorn quiz

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[2025] Think you’re a fan of Harlow? Try this quiz and find out… This quiz is for Harlow fans who are testing there knowledge, only those who are up to the challenge should continue…

Some answers may be wrong, but I don’t think any are. But just in case I am warning you. Have fun taking part in my Harlow Luna White fun quiz and thank you! :)

Created by: Coco
  1. Who’s Harlow’s latest horse? (2025)
  2. When is Harlow’s birthday?
  3. What was Harlow’s first viral video?
  4. Who is Harlow’s youngest horse?
  5. What is Harlow’s brother called?
  6. What is Harlow’s mum called?
  7. Who did Harlow collab with when she took a 17.2hh horse to a BSJ show?
  8. How tall is Popcorn?
  9. Who was Harlow’s second pony?
  10. What is Harlow’s chanel called as of 2025?
  11. What is Harlen’s dog called?
  12. When did Harlow get Popcorn?
  13. What’s Harlen’s middle name?
  14. What is Chelsea’s job outside of vlogging?
  15. Who is Harlow’s fifth pony?
  16. What breed is Rolo?
  17. And last but not least, what year was Harlow born in?

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