What Kind of Libertarian Are You?

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Ever wondered what kind of Libertarian you are? Finish this test and find out! There are social conservative and proggresives and moderate and more exteremists.

Answer the questions below. Chosse the answer that best fits you. The second quiz paragraph must be at least 150 characters long. The second quiz para

Created by: TechnoBert
  1. Democracy is?
  2. Egalitarianism is?
  3. Should the state intervine in global conflicts in anyway?
  4. Best person out of these?
  5. Best ideology out of these?
  6. Welfare should?
  7. What is more important?
  8. Closed or open borders?
  9. Is Ben Shapiro?
  10. Worst thing about Pinochet?

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Quiz topic: What Kind of Libertarian am I?
