Organic or Mechanistic Worldview Test

The modern political spectrum sorts people into the categories of left (social economics, progressivism) and right (more capitalist and conservative) categories. But this, in my opinion, is very flawed, because social economic policies can be combined with conservatism, as hardline capitalism can be with progressive ideals. Thus, this quiz would define "left" as the mechanistic view of society, and "right" as organic view of society. Mechanic basically means that existence is a complex machine, while organic means belief in metaphysics and holistic worldview.

This test measures philosophical foundations of each side, not your stance on the current petty issues in modern politics. This test can be biased and inaccurate contrary to my best intention, so do not take it too seriously.

Created by: SenatorOfBakony
  1. If you believe in any higher power, does this higher power intervene in the universe in a way other than physical laws?
  2. Is the knowledge of all existence reducible to scientific knowledge (Can all phenomena be explained by a scientific field, or if not, is it because science is not yet developed that much)?
  3. When I think of politics (economy, state, culture), I always think of it in terms of separate entities reacting to each other, such as the state has a specific role in the individual's life, as opposed to the notion that they are part of a larger whole (For example, the community-individual dilemma).
  4. Cultural norms and worldviews are not mere packages of ideas adapting to changing situations to ensure their survival.
  5. Religions and metaphysics were created by the human urge to find meaning in life and to be able to explain their surroundings. Meaning in life can be found without religion, and modern science can explain our surroundings, thus, religion and metaphysics are artifacts of an old age of human infancy.
  6. I think that human societies were originally created to better organize the distribution of resources, thus, I regard economy as the main element of society, while culture and ideals are important by-products of the human intellect.
  7. If I would live in a democratic state, I would be disturbed that it is disconnected from a single guiding idea (religion or ideology), which I deem right. This separation has left the state and society without a clear vision and destiny.
  8. Social change is primarily fueled by scientific progression, which drives social progression, or they go hand in hand.
  9. True knowledge is either non-existent, or it comes from empirical observation/rational deduction. Anything else is superstition.
  10. I have always felt that there must be something more to this world than mere physical laws and material existence, no matter how my rationality wanted to override this instinct.

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