Will you get frogged?

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Welcome to the quiz, deciding whether or not YOU get frogged! Will you pass the test? Or will you be frogged? Now, along the way, you'll meet various frogs... Some of which will help you get out of this, and some will only bring you further in.

When selecting your answers, go with your gut. Don't follow what your head tells you to; logic only works in logical spaces. This isn't a logical space and we quite enjoy it like that!

  1. You've been dropped into a random maze with seemingly no way out. You don't know how you got here... You blinked, and you were here! A small, brown toad hops along, stopping next to you, and continuing forward. Do you follow it or try to find a way out yourself?
  2. You walk around for a while, looking around, hoping for an exit. All the bushes look the same! You eventually come across a flower-covered archway that seems to lead into somewhere a little different. Do you go in or keep going here?
  3. You continue walking around, still trying to find a way out. You quickly get thirsty. There's a water fountain nearby with a sculpture of a frog; you don't know if that water is safe, but your throat is so dry... What do you do?
  4. As you keep walking, you see a small group of tree frogs jumping along towards where you feel a breeze. Do you follow them with the chance for escape, or do you keep walking forward?
  5. You keep walking along, looking for where the exit may lie. You're getting tired, it's been a long day. Do you rest now, or do you continue walking in hope of an exit?
  6. By morning time, you've ran into a giant stone wall. It's too wide to get around. What do you do to get past it?
  7. You continue your journey, looking around attentively. Now, you're hungry, and craving something sweet. There's a small berry bush. Do you take the berries in hopes they aren't poisonous, or do you take the chance of not finding other food?
  8. As you keep pushing forward, another small frog with a tiny flower on it's head decides to stop in front of you, claiming to know the way out. "We deal with many creatures like you, so we have learned the way out," the frog says. What do you do?
  9. You follow a small trail you (and the frog, if that's what you selected) found. It may lead to the exit... Do you follow it, or stay here?
  10. Now, you've come to find... (click submit for your results!)

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Quiz topic: Will I get frogged?
