What is your aesthetic?

Take this quiz if u wanna find out our aesthetic. (they won't let me post this if i dont have a 150 letters in these paragraphs so ignore the song)KARMA is a btch i shoudv known beteteteter

This is just based on ur answers if u do not like what u got its ok bc u need to follow ur own path (ignore the song or else they won't let me post if i don't put this here)KARAMAAMA

Created by: Alyssa
  1. Do u like dark,pastel or neon colors
  2. What music style are u into?
  3. Do u dress alternative rn?
  4. How does ur room look like?
  6. Whats ur favorite flower?
  7. Where do u wanna live when ur older or where do u live rn
  8. What makeup do u wear or wanna wear
  9. Whats ur hair color rn?
  10. DID U ENJOY THE QUIZ?(will not efect answers)

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Quiz topic: What is my aesthetic?
