What is Your Aesthetic?

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Hello! Welcome to my quiz. I'm Lays! I hope you enjoy this quiz and maybe it inspired you to make your own? This quiz is all about AESTHETICS!! Anyway,

Here are the aesthetic results you may get! (Theres also a mystery aesthetic hehe) Ghostcore, Webcore/Internetcore, babycore, and glitchcore! Anyhow, enough chit chat. See you in the quiz!

Created by: LaysSlayz
  1. Which of these outfits sound most apealing to you? (Sorry that there arent any pictures, unfortunately you cannot add any in gotoquiz as far as i know ๐Ÿ˜”)
  2. Choose a color pallet!
  3. Choose a plushie!
  4. Choose a song! (If you havent heard any of theese choose skip)
  5. Are you hungry? Choose a food!
  6. Choose an aesthetic!
  7. Choose a holiday! (If you don't celebrate any of these you may choose skip.)
  8. I would just like to mention that this isnt set in your personality and if you dont get the result you want then don't worry! Its always your choice to follow it or Not
  9. What did you think of this quiz?
  10. Fate

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Quiz topic: What is my Aesthetic?
