Which BTS aesthetic are you?

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This quiz will help you discover exactly what kind of aesthetic you have. There are seven aesthetics and they are all very different. Each one aligns with a member of Bangtan.

Of these seven aesthetics, there will be Jincore, Sugacore, Hopecore, Jooncore, Mincore, Vantaecore & Kookcore. Hopefully, you'll get the one you wanted!

Created by: minxjimin
  1. Let's start: how old are you mentally?
  2. What do you do on a good day?
  3. I like music that is...
  4. The first thing I see on a person's face is...
  5. I prefer...
  6. The best compliment is...
  7. I wish I was...
  8. What motivates me is...
  9. Pick an option for each of the following statements: a) I'm beautiful.
  10. b) I like people.
  11. c) I think I am emotionally smart.
  12. d) I think I am book-smart.
  13. e) I like playing instruments.
  14. f) I am happy with myself.
  15. g) I am happy.
  16. h) Romantic love is the highest form of love.
  17. i) Personality comes before looks.
  18. And for the final three questions: Who's your bias?
  19. Who's your bias wrecker?
  20. Who's your bias wrecker wrecker?

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Quiz topic: Which BTS aesthetic am I?
