Which Aesthetic Are You?

Today you will find out what kind of aesthetic you are! There are quite a lot of different types of aesthetics collected here, I hope your result triples, enjoy taking the test, and have a nice day!

There are 10 types of aesthetics presented here, such as: fairycore, indie kid, kawaii, coquette, pink pilates princess, horsegirl, Japan in the 90s, old money, new money. I apologize if I pronounced the name of some aesthetics incorrectly, or described the type of aesthetics incorrectly. I wrote everything as I see it and what I associate this type of aesthetics with.

Created by: rin
  1. Your favorite color?
  2. Your favorite flower?
  3. Choose random word.
  4. Choose any song.
  5. Choose any place.
  6. If you could start one club at school, what club would it be?
  7. Your favorite animal?
  8. Choose any drink.
  9. Your favorite activity?
  10. How many friends do you have?
  11. Rate this quiz 1 to 5 (does not affect your results)

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Quiz topic: Which Aesthetic am I?
