What is your aesthetic?

Have you ever felt lost in all the aesthetics out there if you said yes then this quiz is right for you. ⚠Please note that this quiz is not very accurate and based on things that are stereotypically for these aesthetics⚠

I don’t want to write another pad so ima just spam.63(!:):$:?€hGhshejjHehkehsgejjwhshevdvebhsheusoqjshyeiqoiabebzkhehsjsjehsjwhshjwgshjeheuehejejehhhh

Created by: BoldNotCold
  1. What aesthetic do you hope/think you have
  2. What is your favorite color
  3. What is your favorite thing to wear to school/work/out
  4. What’s your go to makeup
  5. What do your friends look like
  6. Ok so the rest are going to be questions about your locker and room at home is that ok?
  7. What is your locker like
  8. What does your room look like
  9. What color is your hair
  10. I hope you liked my quiz it’s my first one in a very long time! Don’t forget to comment if you can and rate! Also check out my poem on the forums under the library tab it’s called “Bold not Cold” it’s under the account KallmeKrisbeKool but it’s me

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Quiz topic: What is my aesthetic?
