How Gremlincore/Goblincore are you??

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Have you ever wondered how Goblincore you are? Well, if you haven't, you should... And find out with this quiz! I searched the internet up and down for all the Goblincore subculture beliefs and what makes it different, and now YOU, YOU PERSONALLY get to take the quiz based on that!

Mushrooms, collecting, frogs, bones, rocks, pinecones, the forest, all the things many people deem weird or even "ugly" is loved by the average Goblin. Seriously, I have a jar of clam shells I have from a beach I went to one time just in my room and i'm always picking up rocks. We understand that Gremlincore is a less offensive name for this due to the anti-Semitic nature of the term "Goblin". However, we do not use Goblin as a slur here and any form of using it against Jewish people is extremely not condoned or tolerated in this space.

  1. First question! Do you like and wear earthy tones? (Green, brown, tan, etc. Google for more examples.)
  2. Do you like mushrooms, frogs, bones, snails, worms, and bugs?
  3. Do you enjoy nature? Being in nature, seeing nature, etc.
  4. Are you maximalist or minimalist?
  5. Do you thrift?
  6. Do you like collecting things?
  7. Do you consider yourself chaotic?
  8. Are you apart or support the LGBTQ+?
  9. Do you consider yourself anti-consumerist? (Meaning: "opposition or resistance to a culture or way of life emphasizing the purchase and use of consumer goods")
  10. Do you find yourself appreciating and loving what many others don't find loving?
  11. Do you find yourself attached to "ugly" things in nature for some reason?
  12. Are you comfortable with yourself?
  13. Do you consider yourself a gremlin based on what you know about this culture?
  14. How much do you know about this subculture?
  15. Goodbye!

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Quiz topic: How Gremlincore/Goblincore am I??
