What Dandy's world Main character are you?

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Hello! this is a quiz I made since I was bored and the only results you can get are the mains and lethal since it won't let me add a lot but it's okay! It might not be accurate and I'm sorry about that but I hope you enjoy this quiz!!<3

Dandy's world is a game on Roblox, the genre is survival but when you first play it might be a bit horror but the more you play it, the less scary it will be for you and it's fun in my opinion and I think you should play it but I mean you don't have to play it if you don't want too!

Created by: Silver
  1. Are you ready?
  2. Which one are you?
  3. You see a twisted! what do you do?
  4. Do you like Dandy?
  5. What's your favorite time of the day?
  6. Image you were in a building that was on a fire with another person but only one of you can escape, you can either save the stranger or yourself
  7. choose one! it might effect your results tho
  8. Do you like yourself?
  9. If you could pick what you could do in your free time, then what would you do?
  10. Alright the quiz is coming to an end! I hope you liked it :)

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Quiz topic: What Dandy's world Main character am I?
