What Underverse Character Are Ya'?

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A quiz on what character you are in Underverse (Sans Only) may not be accurate, sometimes can be accurate, depends on how would you answer the questions, try your best to answer every questions.

doesn't contain other characters except for the mains on and the Sans' Only IMPORTANT NOTICEdue to the fact that you can only made 10 possible results, soo this doesn't really accurate overall

Created by: EpicNoobz8194
  1. Which of these represent you the most?
  2. How well are you at making friends?
  3. How smart are you?
  4. How well are you at fighting
  5. Are you good at making drawings?
  6. Are you pretty calm?
  7. Do you always ask other for help?
  8. How aggressive are you
  9. Are you scared at your parents?
  10. Do you always pick up a fight?
  11. Are you very serious at something?
  12. Are you being over-protective over something or someone you love?
  13. Are you an attention seeker?
  14. Do you think you're important to others?
  15. Do you love yourself?

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