Are You A Mushroom?

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Thank you for opening this quiz! Have you wondered how cottagecore/gobincore you are? Well, that's what this is about, hidden like a little treasure behind a mushroom-based quiz. I've unoffically dubbed cottagecore/goblincore/similar aesthetics fans "mushrooms" or "frogs" affectionately!

This is supposed to be a chill quiz, nothing too difficult, so absolutely no issues if you "aren't a mushroom". Just be kind and we'll be okay. It's just for fun, nothing serious, and it doesn't determine anything! Have fun!

  1. Welcome to this quiz! Make sure to read the paragraphs above or none of this will make much sense.
  2. First question: Do you like being in nature? Do you like the idea of it?
  3. Do you prefer "pretty" things in nature, like butterflies and flowers, or "ugly" things in nature, like mushrooms and bugs?
  4. Do you enjoy making your own things? (Baking/cooking your own food, sewing your own clothes, etc)
  5. Do you enjoy collecting things? (Bones, rocks, shells, buttons, etc.)
  6. Do you or would you like to live out in the country/on a farm?
  7. Which color set do you feel more connected to? If you feel a connection in any way, that's probably your soul telling you the answer.
  8. Choose a shade of green! Feel free to look it up, I've added the exact hex codes for easy searching.
  9. How many sweaters do you own?
  10. When looking at aesthetics, which do you enjoy the look of more?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Mushroom?
