What is the aesthetic that suits you best?

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Hi! Boys/men, I promise your quiz is on the way. Girls/women, i know I might’ve done this before but I left out a few aesthetics last time. I mixed 2 answers so I could have enough room to make 7 aesthetics.

I haven’t been posting because I just started school (not gonna tell you my grade) and it’s been stressful. I think I’m grunge but I don’t know. I’m gonna try to post as often as possible.

Created by: Bellatrix lestrange
  1. Hi! This quiz is for girls, demifemales, non binary’s, just no men. (If ur a man and u take this, I won’t judge.
  2. Pick a color (affects answer)
  3. Gender? (Doesn’t affect score)
  4. Choose one (elements of design)
  5. Choose another (favorite out of these)
  6. What’s your favorite holiday?
  7. Choose A or perish into the (proverbial) river below. What will it be mr bond?
  8. Sweet?
  9. Choose a song
  10. Choose a candy
  11. Choose your favorite weather

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Quiz topic: What is the aesthetic that suits me best?
