What Are You In Your Loneliness?

Everyone has a hidden-me in himself which comes out in loneliness having secret talents, possessing secret abilities and mind blowing skills. Everyone has a different hidden character making him unique in his own way.

Explore yourself other than the usual "you". If you already know what comes out of you in loneliness....Awesome! Carry on with your hidden skills. But if you don't, get to know now. Remember not to focus on the result. I mean once you get to know your hidden character, don't try to take it out because the inner will come out when it feels like the right time. But when it appears, do remember to feel the best of it and experience the joy it brings.

Created by: Kara Halime
  1. Imagine you are alone in your room and amazing short story comes to your mind. A lot more good than a superhit movie. What will you do?
  2. What do you mostly have in your hand?
  3. You are offered to go to one of the following places, what will you choose?
  4. Imagine you spent the while day facing sad moments and time when you feel like the end of the world. After the tiresome day, you finally go toyour room to rest with yourself. What peaceful thing comes to your mind?
  5. What is your favorite color out of the following? (This question has nothing to do with your inner nor does it affect the results in reality. These colors are just linked to the results by my mind)
  6. What is the usual action of your fingers while waiting for food at the dinner table?
  7. You find a lost puppy/kitten. What's your first instinct?
  8. What kind of weather do you find most inspiring?
  9. You have some free time. What are you most likely to do?
  10. What's your favorite type of story?

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Quiz topic: What am I In my Loneliness?
