The Purity Test

By taking this quiz, you will be indulging in the most luxury and necessary thing you'll ever do in your life. DISCLAIMER: This quiz was made as a complete joke, and, as such, you should be warned that there is quite a bit of minority-shaming.

For some reason the quiz thing forces me to make a second paragraph so I'm just gonna put the alphabet in here... a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Created by: sam.
  1. What is your race?
  2. Are you a part of the LGBTQ community?
  3. What is the best type of government?
  4. Are you a furry?
  5. What is your religion?
  6. What is the most holy out of the following?
  7. How do you cut your sandwhiches?
  8. Is punching your bruise a good thing?
  9. Which of the following dates is considered to be the 69th of Dream Month?
  10. Do you rember?
  11. Who exactly are you in the friend group?
  12. What is an azafata? No looking it up.
  13. Do you support the Rock?
  14. Where was Mario first spotted in real life?
  15. What is the best type of music?

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