How much do you know about Into the wild?

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Hello! This is Echodawn here! This is my first quiz and I hope you enjoy it! This will be boring though... :( I hope I 'm not the worst quiz-maker you ever seen.

This quiz is going to be about Into the wild. It is a series of books, and I planned to make questions from several books in the series. I recommend reading all of the books in Into the wild and then taking this quiz. Good luck! :3

Created by: Echodawn
  1. Who did Rusty first meet?(in the clans)
  2. Who did Rusty travel with when he first went to Thunder Clan?
  3. Who does Firepaw have a crush on as soon as he arrives?
  4. Who does Firepaw fight with and loses his collar?
  5. Who is Redtail killed by?
  6. What is Firepaw's warrior name?
  7. Why does Fireheart argue with Graystripe?
  8. Who is Rusty's best friend when he is a kittypet?
  9. Who is Mistyfoot and Stonefur's mother?
  10. Who unleashes the dog pack?
  11. Who is Cloudtail's real mother and who is his adopted mother?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Into the wild?
