Which animal from my story are you?

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Hii! Welcome to this quiz and thank you for wasting your time on taking it! I've been writing a story and I have been surprised at how important some of the animal characters have become. I didn't really plan on it.

(Does anyone read these?) Anyways, I hope you enjoy! Please note that these might not truly match your personality, it isn't the most accurate quiz ever. Bye!

Created by: ChoutaSpren
  1. What type of animal is usually your favorite?
  2. How would you like to spend your free time?
  3. Casual Greeting
  4. How obedient are you
  5. How loyal are you?
  6. Choose one
  7. How sporty are you?
  8. How clever are you?
  9. How many friends do you have?
  10. Choose one
  11. What is your worst trait?
  12. What's your best trait?
  13. The end

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Quiz topic: Which animal from my story am I?
