Hogwarts love story

This is a heartwarming Hogwarts love story, and as it’s my very first attempt at writing these kinds of stories, I sincerely hope that it isn't terrible and that you will take the time to read it, share your thoughts, and above all, have fun experiencing the twists and turns of the magical romance I’ve created!

I had an absolute blast making this quiz, and I truly hope you enjoy reading and taking it just as much! Crafting each question was a journey filled with creativity and imagination. Whether you’re a quiz enthusiast or someone just looking for a casual way to pass the time, I hope you’ll find joy in this story.

Created by: Fairytalelover1
  1. You step onto the Hogwarts Express, your bags in front of you. The door closes behind you and you smile. This has to be a dream you think.
  2. You walk a few feet and the train jolts you into a random cart. You cringe and you land in someone's lap. "Get off of me, you filthy mudblood!" The person shoves you off them and you get a good look at them. The person is a boy with such blond hair, it seems almost bleached, and startling grey eyes.
  3. You stare at him appalled and shoot back, "I'm a pure-blood, thank you very much!". Then you notice, 3 other people there, a girl with brown hair, a boy with black hair, and the boy with brown hair who opened the door when you fell in standing there beside the door.
  4. He stares at you surprised, "Then why have I never seen you before?" Your face flushes with embarrassment for some reason and I whisper, "It's my first year at Hogwarts, I'm in third year though." He smiles and turns to the rest, "Third year, huh? And new?" They smile as well. "My name's Draco, Draco Malfoy." The blonde boy says. "And that's Pansy, Crabbe and the one who basically pushed you in is Goyle." You smile. "It's nice to meet you all. My name's Chloe. Chloe Potter."
  5. Draco stares at you, Pansy screams, and Crabbe and Goyle gasp. "What?" You say confused. Then you remember. No one knows your Harry's brother, not even Harry himself. Draco shakes his head as if clearing it, and smiles. "So you Pottah boy's sister? Does he know?" You smile glad no ones mad at least. "Yes I am and no he doesn't know. At least not yet. Though I do want to talk to him. Do you happen to know where he is?" You say. Draco looks disgusted and shakes his head to clear it again and smiles. "Sure, I'll take you there." He stands up and opens the door and you walk out and grab your suitcases laying on the floor. "Do you want me to help carry them?" He asks. "Yeah thanks." you hand him a suitcase and hold the other.
  6. You walk down the hall in quiet and stop and a cart door after a minute or so. "This is him and his friends." He says. "Thank you." You put your hand on the door handle and you feel Draco put his hand on your shoulder and say "Wait". You let go of the handle and look at him. "Yes?" He looks down and back up and his eyes are full of worry. "Chloe, they're going to tell you to stay away from me and calm me a terrible person. They're not wrong I guess, but I think you're really special, in a good way. Since you didn't hear the rumours about me you gave me a chance. And that means more than you know to me." You smile. "I'm glad I met you too. Good thing I don't let first impressions or others opinions control me. At least not too much. See you later, Draco." "Bye Chloe, I hope you get Slytherin!" He shouts as he walks back down the hall and disappears into his cart.
  7. You laugh, since you know the houses are, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and of course Slytherin. You're hoping for Hufflepuff or Slytherin cause you feel you can make a difference there. You turn the handle, pull your stuff inside, and close the door behind you. The three students in there stare at you. You smile. "Quick question, which of you is Harry Potter and what are the rest of your names?" The boy with black hair, green eyes, and glasses raises his hand. "I'm Harry Potter." The girl with messy brown hair and brown eyes, says, "I'm Hermione." And the only other boy is a boy with red hair, freckles, and blue eyes. "I'm Ron." "And who are you?" Harry says. You smile and take a deep breath. "I'm a third-year, first time at Hogwarts. And my name is Chloe Potter."
  8. CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!
  9. Click my account for the next one!!

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