Hogwarts love story

This is a typical love story that's based on Hogwarts but it's not just a love story.In this story you will find some secrets about yourself.Like Harry Potter you are also a special person but the difference is that Harry knows about himself but you don't know who you are but don't worry you will find out who you are when the right time will come.

Will you get the hogwards guy of your dreams.Come and see in this quiz that if you would have been in hogwards then what your life would have been like.

Created by: Barkha008
  1. Today would be your first day at Hogwarts.You are a transfer student.You are a second year student at Hogwarts but it's your first year at Hogwarts according to you.Your thoughts:
  2. Your elder brother kian is a sixth year student at Hogwarts. Kian,your Dad and you got to the station on time.Your dad hugged you and kian and said,"I love you both".You and kian said at the same time,"I love you too,daddy".After that,you and kian got inside the train and waved to your dad.your thoughts:
  3. You don't like to depend on anyone so you decided to find a compartment on yourself without kian's help.You searched for a compartment but almost every compartment was filled.At last,you found an empty compartment and inside was a girl.She was having blond coloured shoulder length hairs and black coloured eyes.You asked her,"Can I sit here?"She said,"of course,it would be nice to have some company".Your thoughts:
  4. You thanked her and sat down next to her.she said,"I am Ingrid Wilshere,nice to meet you".she said extending her hand towards you.You said," I am (your name) lupin,nice to meet you too Ingrid".you said while shaking her hand.Ingrid said,"I am a second year student and I am in Slytherin group.It looks like you are a second year too but I never saw you before, you are in which group?"You answered,"Yes,I am also a second year student.Actually,I am a transfer student that's why you never saw me".Ingrid said,"That means you are not in any group,right?"You said,"yeah,right." your thoughts:
  5. Ingrid said,"I hope that you will be in Slytherin group.So that,we both can become friends because all my friends are boys and I really need a girl BFF".You said,"I also need a friend so,that would be really nice".she said,"Don't worry.You already have a friend.if you will go in any other house then also I will be your friend". You said,"thanks Ingrid,That really means alot to me".you both talked to each other.she said that she is liking your company.
  6. You both sat in the same carriage to go to hogwards.There was a seperate table for first years and transfer students in the great hall.You sat there and Ingrid was gone to Slytherin table.when all the first years were sorted Dumbledore said,"this year we have two transfer students in our school.Kian Lupin and (Your name) Lupin.kian come here".Kian sat on the stool and Dumbledore placed the sorting hat on his head.The sorting hat said,"you are intelligent,smart and friendly.you should be in Hufflepuff."The Hufflepuff students clapped and welcomed kian. After that Dumbledore called you,"(your name) Lupin come here.It's your turn now."Dumbledore said and smiled at you.You got up and started making your way towards the stool.Everyone's eyes were focused on you.You sat on the stool and Dumbledore placed the sorting hat on your head.You were really nervous.your heart was beating so fast that you felt like it will come out of your chest.The sorting hat said,"hmmm....You are really special.it will be hard to sort you in one of the four houses.You are smart,loyal,brave,helpful,confident,strong and you become cunning whenever it is needed.I think you should be in Slynther...."The hat took a…
  7. The hat suddenly yelled"GRYFFINDOR."Gryffindor students clapped and welcomed you.You stood up from the stool and sat on one of the chairs on the Gryffindor table.After that the great feast was started.You ate dinner and went to the office to get your room keys, locker keys and your schedule.When you got to the office Ingrid was there.She smiled at you and you smiled back at her.Your thoughts:
  8. You both took your schedule and your keys and started walking together in the corridor.she said,"You were really close of coming in slyntherin but that stupid hat said Gryffindor at the last moment."You laughed.you both talked and parted your ways after some time.She was off to her room and you were going to your room.Your room was room no. 429 on the 2nd floor.Two girls were going to share the room with you the whole year.There were three beds and three almirahs.You took your favourite bed and unpacked your stuff.You adjusted your stuff in one of the three almirahs.After that,you wrote your diary and were off to bed.you said to yourself,"The school will officially start from tomorrow."your thoughts:
  9. You hoped that everything would be fine tomorrow and then you closed your eyes and started sleeping and you dream:
  10. What do you all think about my quiz:

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