Tag: Harry Potter Fanfic
- Nov 4, '18
- by PeculiarGirl1
- Aug 28, '18
- by PeculiarGirl1
- The Ultimate Audrey Potter Quiz
- Dec 3, '14
- by EgyptsLegend
This is for readers of sphinxs-legend's Green Eyed Monster, starring Audrey Potter. There have been trivia quizzes for all of…
- 7 mins. in heaven with a Hogwarts boy!
- Dec 8, '14
- by Pyra Potter
Hey guys! I decided to give this a try so don't hate me if it sucks! The results are, I hope, not too sappy, or awkward! I will…
- Hogwarts Love Story
- Jul 23, '11
- by natuhleegayle
Hogwarts Love story. Typical love story that's based on Hogwarts. I'm pretty noob at this...Don't judge meeeh ! So, I was…
- A Draco Malfoy love story
- May 5, '11
- by gfh012
So this is a Draco Malfoy love quiz. I've left everything pretty open, so you could be in any house and you ban insert your…
- Green Eyed Monster Trivia: Order of the Phoenix
- Jun 18, '14
- by EgyptsLegend
Do you know the Order of the Phoenix part of "Green Eyed Monster"? A lot of readers say they know how Audrey will react to…
- A Hogwarts Love Story
- Jul 11, '17
- by slytherinqueenss
As you enter your third year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, things are finally looking up for you. With the…
- Green Eyed Monster Trivia: The Goblet of Fire
- Jun 10, '14
- by EgyptsLegend
Do you know the Goblet of Fire part of "Green Eyed Monster"? A lot of readers say they know how Audrey will react to things or…
- An ending at Hogwarts
- Jun 4, '13
- by bananabread
This is a Harry Potter quiz, if you haven't noticed, and I'm starting it in the 6th year, before school starts. I know it's a…
- Hogwarts love story part 1
- Nov 19, '11
- by Ginger_Person
So here we are part 1, before you say ANYTHING yes, I do read the other peoples hogwarts love stories, and I love them. I…
- Hogwarts Is Such A Complicating Place... Part 1
- Dec 16, '11
- by Bluebird
Hey guys, this is a Hogwarts romance story so I hope you like it. This is my second quiz series so check out Love Complications…
- A Hogwarts love story: The chamber of secrets
- May 4, '12
- by spotty dinosaur
So this is the first part to the Chamber of Secrets. This is going to be shorter than the Philosophers Stone but i'm going to…
- Hogwarts, A Love Story
- Jan 5, '12
- by Princess_Demon
This is my first Harry Potter quiz, I hope you enjoy it. I have tried to make it different to all the other quizzes out there,…
- What Harry Potter 'Ship Are You?
- Jan 12, '07
- by Amaranth
How into writing Harry Potter fanfic are you? What 'ship are you most likely to write? What 'ship should you try to…
- Going to Hogwarts with a twist (Girls Only)
- May 2, '14
- by funniebunnie01
Hi! This quiz is based off of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and I really hope you all enjoy it. It's…
- A Hogwarts love story: The philosophers stone
- Mar 20, '12
- by spotty dinosaur
This is my Hogwarts love story. I'm going to try do the story in the 7 main parts, e.g Philosopher's stone, Chamber of Secrets,…
- Before Harry Potter.... Romance at Hogwarts
- Nov 7, '11
- by XxxKaliaxxX
There are many males at Hogwarts for you to interact with in your 3rd year. This is a romance in the Wizarding World at the…
Even More Harry Potter Fanfic Quizzes
- A Hogwarts Story Part#1
- Nov 23, '12
- by EmGirl
Tanya Blake is going to Hogwarts. This is her first year, and she hopes to make friends. One of her first friends she makes, is…
- A Hogwarts Love Story Part 1 (New version)
- Apr 7, '13
- by Mirimichelle
So I broke my hand halfway through writing this so it may get a little sloppy so sorry about that! But here is the new,…
- A Hogwarts Love Triangle
- Jun 10, '13
- by NicoleMS
This is a moving love story between a Ravenclaw and Slytherin. (Draco and you) It's a love triangle, though, because you have a…
- Hogwarts Love Story
- Apr 24, '12
- by 5thMarauder
Ok, so yes, I have taken other HP love story quizzes and I just thought, I'd do one. This is my first time please don't judge…
- Harry Potter Hogwarts love Story Pt 1
- Mar 27, '15
- by Jtsquared4
IMAGINE: you are a witch from France moving to England. You need to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You…
- A hogwarts romance (for girls)
- Apr 2, '11
- by gfh012
So this is part of a romance story. YOUR story. who will you end up with? Sly Draco? Shy Ron? Cute Harry? The mischief making…
- Harry Potter story quiz
- Feb 18, '12
- by miumiutheemu
This is my first ever quiz, let alone story quiz. This may or may not have any romance in it, I haven't decided yet. Either…
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