natuhleegayle's Profile

Joined on Jul 21, 2011
Status Level: Senior
natuhleegayle's Quizzes
- It's natuhleegayle and I want my account deleted.[published: Dec 30, 2012, 48 comments]
- Another announcement from natuhleegayle[published: Aug 05, 2012, 42 comments]
Yes, another announcement. I should be doing some work but you should read what I have……
- Hey readers, it's natuhleegayle![published: Jul 23, 2012, 61 comments]
Hey, it's me! Natuhleegayle! I have a few things I want to say as well as ask a favor to all of……
- An announcement from natuhleegayle[published: Jun 21, 2012, 33 comments]
Contest guys! It's what you all been waiting for! Not One but Two! A Contest for ONE……
Hogwarts Love Story (long series)
Welcome to a love story set in Hogwarts. Hopefully you will enjoy this original series, if you are someone who likes Harry Potter fanfiction.
- Hogwarts Love Story[published: Jul 23, 2011, 41 comments]
Hogwarts Love story. Typical love story that's based on Hogwarts. I'm pretty noob at this...Don't judge……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 2[published: Jul 24, 2011, 19 comments]
Hogwarts Love Story pt 2. Okay, I forgot to put a "What do you think so far" question, just comment on……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 3[published: Jul 27, 2011, 17 comments]
Sorry, that it's a bit late. I was on vacation...But Hogwarts Love Story pt 3. Seems like the boys are……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 4[published: Aug 05, 2011, 22 comments]
Hi Guys, I am back! Sorry about my long break, I'm so surprise about the number of people taking my……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 5[published: Aug 06, 2011, 21 comments]
Hogwarts Love Story Pt 5.1 Looks like things are really heating up! The guys are practically all over……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 5.2[published: Sep 03, 2011, 29 comments]
Hogwarts Love Story Pt 5.2! Looks like things are DEFINITELY heating up in the castle. We are going……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 6[published: Sep 12, 2011, 32 comments]
Hogwarts Love Story Pt 6! Your life at Hogwarts is something else; so far you've been kissed by Ron,……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 6.2[published: Oct 16, 2011, 34 comments]
Hogwarts Love Story Pt 6.2! Everyone seems to give you more and more problems every time you turn the……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 7[published: Oct 30, 2011, 130 comments]
Muah! L'amour is in the air and let's just say that things are going to get hot! It's the moment that……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 7.2[published: Nov 15, 2011, 47 comments]
Ouch! Ron really got you there, how is it going to go between you and Oliver now that the past has……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 7.3[published: Nov 19, 2011, 37 comments]
Aw, You & Oliver probably have to be the cutest thing alive! However, I can sense that you think……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 7.4[published: Nov 20, 2011, 65 comments]
I know. We all never liked Ambrosia from the start, I didn't either. Well, let's see how the story is……
- Hogwarts Love Story - A Very Hogwarts Christmas[published: Dec 27, 2011, 77 comments]
Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas! It's Christmas in Hogwarts and it's probably going to……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 8[published: Nov 25, 2011, 142 comments]
You're reaching the end of the year, and it's not taking a pleasant end. Everything and everyone is……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 9[published: Dec 29, 2011, 32 comments]
As we reach the end of this year, we're not quite done! There is still the grande finale action we……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 9.2[published: Dec 30, 2011, 21 comments]
The end is here. The Prisoner of Azkaban is freed. You'll encounter a lot of action in this series……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 10[published: Dec 30, 2011, 47 comments]
The end of the year has come. We end off with a closing ceremony and a heart-wrenching good-bye to one……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 11 {A New Year}[published: Dec 31, 2011, 51 comments]
The New Year is here! We start off with a "friendly" game of Quidditch at the Quidditch……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 11.2 {A New Year}[published: Jan 01, 2012, 41 comments]
The second edition to the sophomore chapter is here! Looks like we're meeting someone……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 11.3 {A New Year}[published: Jan 01, 2012, 39 comments]
Time to settle in at Hogwarts! Now, after a lively summer and a very heated ride to the……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 11.4 {A New Year}[published: Jan 03, 2012, 39 comments]
The day is finally about to end! Thus wrapping up your first day back, it's been one……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 12[published: Jan 03, 2012, 49 comments]
How is your first official day? Did it end well? Did you learn anything new? Well, whatever the case……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 13[published: Jan 04, 2012, 63 comments]
As we wrap up this day, we're in for a surprise. It's going to be a sweet one as well. Let's see how……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 14[published: Jan 05, 2012, 34 comments]
Let's see how a new day dawns after an interesting day with Draco. You'll never know what may happened……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 14.2[published: Jan 06, 2012, 46 comments]
The Champions are chosen; the first event is just moments away. Thus begins the start of the new……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 15[published: Jan 07, 2012, 26 comments]
A month has flew by in Hogwarts. Let's see what's about to happen as the First Tri-Wizard Event is……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 15.2[published: Jan 07, 2012, 43 comments]
The First Event is about to commence! We all know what this event is about! The capture of the……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 16[published: Jan 08, 2012, 19 comments]
The castle is hectic. Every student and staff member is running around the castle to prepare for the……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 17 {The Yule Ball}[published: Jan 08, 2012, 183 comments]
The Yule Ball is finally amongst us. Let's see what this magical winter wonderland……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 18[published: Feb 05, 2012, 181 comments]
The fairytale night has come to an end and we're back to reality. Nothing good can come out of that,……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 19[published: Mar 02, 2012, 30 comments]
First off, congratulation to @Wolfiey the contest winner! This was a fantastic plot and pretty spine……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 20[published: Mar 03, 2012, 34 comments]
You've been rescued! Hopefully, things will get back to normal...Okay, maybe not. Something tells me……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 21[published: Mar 04, 2012, 33 comments]
Okay, it's safe to say that you made a safe recovery now. If you haven't noticed, the end of the year……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 22[published: Mar 04, 2012, 47 comments]
The third and final challenge is upon us! Let's see what kind of trouble we get ourselves into this……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 23[published: Mar 10, 2012, 26 comments]
I take back everything I said before. Something dark and wicked this way comes as the Dark Lord has……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 24[published: Mar 11, 2012, 18 comments]
Another year has ended, two down only 2 more years of school and 2 years of adventure left! How time……
- Hogwarts Love Story Special - Draco Malfoy[published: Mar 16, 2012, 31 comments]
Here is the point of view of Draco Malfoy. If you've read my series; you see where my……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 25 {A New Year}[published: Mar 11, 2012, 37 comments]
Well, seems like this year back is off to a very emotional roller coaster. You had a……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 25.2 {A New Year}[published: Mar 13, 2012, 22 comments]
It seems like things are about to become serious the further we enter the fifth year!……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 25.3 {A New Year}[published: Mar 14, 2012, 28 comments]
Let the plans unravel! So, word on the street is that Lord Voldemort is building an……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 25.4 {A New Year}[published: Mar 15, 2012, 31 comments]
Well, what can I say? Welcome Home! Seems like this year is going to be an interesting……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 26[published: Mar 16, 2012, 28 comments]
Classes are starting once again! Let's see how our favourite Defense against the Dark Arts class is……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 27[published: Mar 17, 2012, 23 comments]
Guess who got detention this time? Want to know how? Let's just say next time you raise your voice, be……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 28[published: Mar 18, 2012, 20 comments]
Okay, let see how things at Hogwarts turn out once you found out how Umbridge really is. There has to……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 29[published: Mar 18, 2012, 116 comments]
Umbridge is really starting to get on my nerves, how about you? I think this calls for, you know, a……
- Hogwarts Love Story Special - Oliver Wood[published: Mar 23, 2012, 27 comments]
Are you curious about how Oliver is and what he's doing and more importantly what he's……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 30[published: Mar 24, 2012, 38 comments]
Now that Dumbledore's Army has been formed, you're going to meet a lot of people you haven't met……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 31[published: Mar 25, 2012, 43 comments]
It's practice time! The first ones are always the best and most memorable! Who knows,something bad or ……
- Hogwarts Love Story Special - Neville Longbottom[published: Mar 28, 2012, 41 comments]
Let's take a glimpse of what your best friend in Hogwarts, Neville Longbottom,……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 32[published: Mar 29, 2012, 50 comments]
Let's see how your night wraps up after these last few minutes of the day! The closer to night fall,……
- Hogwarts Love Story Special - Cedric Diggory[published: Apr 01, 2012, 35 comments]
I'm curious, aren't you? I mean, Cedric was about to tell you that he loves you but……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 33[published: Apr 09, 2012, 92 comments]
Oliver is back! Yup, it's the moment a lot or some of you been waiting for! But is it as all you……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 34[published: Apr 09, 2012, 112 comments]
Okay, let's see how things are going to turn out now that you are forced to join the Inquisitorial……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 35[published: Apr 15, 2012, 92 comments]
Well, last night was a bit of a...well, disaster. The first day back wasn't exactly what you expected,……
- Hogwarts Love Story Special - Harry Potter[published: Apr 21, 2012, 39 comments]
Day One! Also, here's rule number one when it comes to Quidditch and flying "Eyes on……
- Hogwarts Love Story Special - Ron Weasley[published: Apr 22, 2012, 28 comments]
Day Two! Let's see if today's visitor isn't as emotional as the first one...who am I……
- Hogwarts Love Story Special - The Weasley Twins[published: Apr 22, 2012, 55 comments]
And on the third day, I proclaimed that no tears shall be shed but joy and……
- Hogwarts Love Story Special - A Special from You.[published: Apr 27, 2012, 41 comments]
This is a special in your point of view! I hope you enjoy this! I mean, why do……
- Hogwarts Love Story Special - Cedric Diggory #2[published: Apr 24, 2012, 16 comments]
Day Four! So, 1000 house points to the people who guessed it was Cedric Diggory!……
- Hogwarts Love Story Special - Neville Longbottom #2[published: Apr 24, 2012, 38 comments]
Day 5! Wow, that must have been some bludger if you've been in a coma for……
- Hogwarts Love Story Special - Draco Malfoy #2[published: Apr 26, 2012, 31 comments]
Day 6! You know him as Harry's nemesis. He and Harry are nothing alike but the……
- Hogwarts Love Story Special - Oliver Wood #2[published: Apr 26, 2012, 39 comments]
Day Seven! It has now been a FULL week and your last visitor marks the last of the……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 36[published: Apr 28, 2012, 60 comments]
It's time to wake up! It's been a while, a long while if you ask me. One week you've been in a coma……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 38[published: Apr 29, 2012, 39 comments]
Time to explore the world after being in a coma for seven days. I wonder how things will be? Good or……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt. 38 - The REAL one[published: Apr 30, 2012, 77 comments]
So, as we get our memory back, we're going to have some new memories! I wonder how……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 39[published: May 06, 2012, 50 comments]
You are slowly recovering your memory but during the process. Much darker things are going around in……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 40[published: May 21, 2012, 37 comments]
First of all, thank you all for being understanding with my hiatus! I did manage to find some time off……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 41[published: May 27, 2012, 40 comments]
Your memory is progressing but for now, you're stuck until one of the guys triggers a memory. But what……
- Hogwarts Love Story Special - ______'s flashback[published: May 27, 2012, 64 comments]
Surprise! The flashback will be written in _____'s point of view. So, do you……
- Hogwarts Love Story Pt 42[published: Jun 24, 2012, 79 comments]
I know you're all wondering "When are we going to get our memory back?" Well, I don't know when but……
- Hogwarts Love Story by natuhleegayle makes a comeback[published: Oct 07, 2012, 21 comments]
If you read the title, then you should know what this is about. I think……
- Hogwarts Love Story
- One Direction Love Story Pt. 4[published: May 31, 2012, 26 comments]
They say, the fun always happens backstage. Let's test their theory! What do you get if you……
- Life in the Hunger Games Pt 2[published: May 07, 2012, 17 comments]
Now, that the tributes have been chosen, it's time to get this story started! Let's see how your……
- Prayers for Aria.[published: May 03, 2012, 63 comments]
You all know the sweet girl who has been posting quizzes who brightens peoples day, show everyone the……
- Life in the Hunger Games[published: May 03, 2012, 23 comments]
Hi there guys! Well, this is the first part of "Life in the Hunger Games" Based on the National……
- One Direction Love Story Pt. 3[published: May 02, 2012, 27 comments]
It's time for their Concert! Hey, what if One Direction pulled you out of the audience, put you……
- One Direction Love Story Pt. 2[published: Apr 28, 2012, 19 comments]
Yes! Here is Pt. 2 of One Direction Love Story. So, now that you're in their room; what's going……
- One Direction Love Story[published: Apr 27, 2012, 17 comments]
Hi guys! This is my One Direction Love Story! This has been requested by @ketine11! I hope you enjoy……
- Percy Jackson Love Story - Special Edition is out![published: Apr 15, 2012, 2 comments]
Percy Jackson Love Story - Special Edition (That's a mouthful) is now out!……
- To Aria, HogwartsLove and everyone who is down today.[published: Apr 11, 2012, 32 comments]
To Aria, HogwartsLove and everyone else who is down! This is for you.……
- Keep Calm and Read On Announcement[published: Apr 03, 2012, 6 comments]
From looking at the title, just read the quiz. If you've seen my blog then you probably know……
- Harry Potter - Seven Minutes In Heaven[published: Apr 02, 2012, 41 comments]
It's about time you all get together and play a little friendly game of Seven Minutes In……
- Keep Calm and Read On - Volume III[published: Mar 16, 2012, 11 comments]
If you thought Volume II was bad enough, the story unfold in the third novel of III and it's……
- Keep Calm and Read On - Volume II[published: Feb 19, 2012, 40 comments]
Volume II of this series, we find out what this "Encantus" really is and how do we find a way……
- Keep Calm and Read On - The Beginning[published: Feb 19, 2012, 16 comments]
What if you had the power to bring your stories to live? Watching your characters come……
- Harry Potter - Seven Minutes in Heaven[published: Nov 16, 2011, 41 comments]
Harry Potter - Seven Minutes in Heaven. Let's see 7 guys & 1 girl, normally that……
natuhleegayle's Recent Posts
"Oh, why don't they trust the site? That's really odd. Well, it depends what the gtq does about my account but I really don't know what to do..."
"Hey guys, I can't stay on this thread long but it's really amazing what you guys are doing. It's really touching to see all of you guys com..."
"Nathalie - Regardless, it's your choice. You know I support you no matter what. In a way, this is just my way of supporting y"
"Aha, guys you're making me cry (the more we continue this convo, i have to make an offbeat forum) @DeathStar321 - email me at"
"@Deathstar321 - awe, haha! I really don't want to see it go too but i'm over the edge mad about this, and yes, I have checked my email @caly..."
"Hi! I know I've written at least half of a hundred quizzes but I'm really tired of people stealing my quizzes and calling it "
"If you don't check the quizzes regularly but you're on here a lot, well, I should let you know that if you love the series about Hogwarts th..."
"Draco and Oliver from Harry Potter Peeta and Katniss from Hunger Games Patch/Jeb from the Hush Hush Series Jace from th"
"The Harry Potter one, I plan but it'll take some time because it's not in the format of the story and other than that, I have to reconstruct..."
"However, the only stories that are on my wattpad right now are "Music in Me" and my Percy Jackson story. :)"
"Hey guys, school just started for me and well, It's hectic but I've moved to wattpad where all my stories will be copyrighted. My user name ..."
"wait, i'm gonna leave so i'll message when im back."
"doing a ustream right now. lmfao i'm bored and if you guys wanna talk, talk to me there. it ustream(.)tv/chann"
"What I posted isn't in part 43 but basically what she said; sneak peek of what will happen in teh future."
natuhleegayle's Recent Quiz Comments
"Okay, I did not expect an ear to ear grin to appear on my face anytime soon, but meeting Cedric was adorable. It was simple and quaint and…"
1 -
"Wow! That was a smooth start! I might say I am interested about the whole Slytherin keyhole gift she received. The flow of the story was…"
1 -
"Hey there!
I just wanted to let you know that I'll be reading your story since it was kindly recommended by @vulturemonem! I just…"
1 -
"@Sage Parson You could have told me. "
1 -
"@brooke19411 she absolutely did NOT use "some of my parts" I read about the first five and realized it's word for word, everything.…"
3 -
"There's the can-do girl that I know and worship! Haha! :)
Don't beat yourself up because of what you posted, we know it was just…"
1 -
"I'm really sorry that I'm one of the reason for all of this but I'm sorry that my recent quiz was overdramatic since I was acting out…"
1 -
"I know this is hard for everyone but just because all of this is happening now, doesn't mean we're never going to talk to each other…"
1 -
"If I could track you down, I would.
Why would you completely stop writing? You're a phenomenal writer, you and many amazing…"
1 -
"Aha, I do apologize if I came a bit harsh, I am still upset but I do apologize that I acted based on my emotions. But thank you all so much…"