Hogwarts Love Story Pt 26 | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Hogwarts Love Story Pt 26.
@_ViolaLover_ - LOL, don't worry! I figured as much! Oh, I hated those Science Fair inventions or whatever. I'm glad I'm done with it! Haha, don't worry! You'll find out in a different quiz because I doubt in my story or reality Draco would tell you why he was crying. Thank you (:
@xxblutixx - I'm glad you liked that scene and you'll find out soon! Neville? I would like to see that too! I'll brainstorm (:
@5thMarauder - I absolutely adore your username! Did I mention that? I hate Umbridge too, whenever she went "Hem hem" I wanted to attack her. LOL, Kissing the twins? That will be a challenge since the odds are off. I would love to experiment with that!
@angelic4 - Thank you! Haha, I do my best! Haha, I remember Umbridge at the trial too! I think my reaction was "guuuurl, who do you think you are!?" And yes, I'm waiting for Oliver as well!
@zomgirl - Yay! Thank you and it's important that you eat; I shouldn't be talking since I hardly do because ... I have a small appetite but yeah, guys! Don't follow my bad habits! Haha! I wish you the best of luck!
@AquaWinte r - Thank you! Haha, yeah. I guess I have to admit although she isn't my favorite, she's actually a pretty interesting character!
@IcyD esignns - Haha! Don't worry, I won't! And thanks by the way. Honestly, I really don't know when it's going to end. When I started this, I knew I had to write till the very end; which in the books and movies is "Nineteen Years Later" I'm being optimistic but I think the series will end around the 70-100 mark...that's insane...
Where did the time go? Okay you guys, the contest deadline is literally tomorrow! As last time, I'll accept applications till 5:00pm EST ! So anyone, who is interested in participating, PLEASE! Get your applications in! The 3 characters chosen will be featured throughout the rest of the novel which helps me with my creativity! Applications formats can be found in the literature forum "Hogwarts Love Story - Year 5 Character Contest"
@DragonRider294 - Aw, thank you very much! Yes, we'll see what happens with Draco. I agree, with her disciplinary tactics; I hated her!
Haha, more of the Weasleys in general? Okay! Hahah, Yeah. I'll try to put them or one of them in the next installment. I'm already putting Neville, Cedric and Draco. If that's fine with you?
@Evenstar - Sorry! I'll make Oliver appear soon! Yeah, I really wanted to step out of the friend zone but we'll see what happens but I can say there will be a moment with Neville later on in the series and haha! I'll try to work that kiss with the twins!
@Bluebird - Haha! Thank you so much! I know right!? Reading the book and watching the movie, I just wanted to snap at her. Yep! You're going to have your moment with Draco, don't worry! Cedric? Haha, okay! I haven't seen him for a while anyways & awe, I don't mind! You're welcome :)
@Obssions0112 - Awe, haha. Thank you and I'm glad you see it that way. Well, you all mean a lot to me even if I don't know you personally. You're all amazing people, the least I can do is write these quizzes for all of you! Haha, I'm glad you enjoyed the (:
@amazingfulyw eird - Haha! I know but besides Oliver, is there anyone else you'd like to see after Draco and share a heartfelt moment with?
first off, i agree with the @5thMarauder
secon d! IN LOVE WITH YOU AND YOUR QUIZZES!!! Really want to see what happened to Draco! And yes, I also want to attack Umbridge. not just when she does the "hem hem" but just every time I see her arrogant, toad-like face! She has no right to call herself a professor!
Anyways. So, I'm not a huge oliver fan so constantly crying over him is one of those "I dont care" moments for me... same goes for cedric... im a Weasely/Malfoy girl all the way! I know that's like the complete opposites of the spectrum but thats just me! I'd really like to see more of Ron because he gets sidelined a lot and I want to see my other favourite Weasely... I think that's all. Can't wait for the next installment! And again, as usual I'll be looking for it :D
Draco... Don't cry T.T
Amazing moment with the twins there. You've only made me like them even more :D
After the emotional moment with Draco, can Neville be next? Then Cedric(If that part on the other quiz wasn't the moment, of course), then Ron, and then Oliver(Because I know he'll probably be the last one >.>)
LOVED IT!!! I loved the scene with the twins but I so hate Umbridge! I want to see what happens with Draco. Why was he crying? I think the one I want to see after Draco would probably be Cedric. I'm a minor fan of Cedric. I'm more a Draco fan. Thanks for the quiz and I can't wait for the next one. As always, I'll be looking.
@AiFiahK3mE - Haha! Strange enough, I think I actually got it in that order; well I think, Cedric is first but it doesn't end AS well but yeah, you'll find out why. :) Well, I can always write his thoughts or a letter from Oliver!
I'll try my best to wait patiently for Oliver >< haha
After Draco, I'd like it to be Cedric. :)
Neville's great and all, but I always see him as the best friend. Nothing romantic. :l
I'm so looking forward to the next one!
Evenstar1 -
Yessssssss! This came out! It gives me a reason to stop my stupid library science project I have to do for school. *Sigh* It's making me pull my hair out! o.o Draco's...crying? O.O WHY?! WHY would you make him cry. It's all YOUR fault! >=( Haha, I can't wait for the next one, you're amazing!
I think this is a highlight of my day when you make a new quiz. There always sweet and heartfelt. It seems like you put so much time and effort to make it special for all your readers and I apperciate that. Plus the time with Harry, and the twins were an added bonus! lol
i again really enjoyed this one :) and the others of course!!!!!!! I'm happy my coach gave me a break when she did so i could take these xD lol anyways great job as always and i FINALLY get to eat something in like 2-3 hours! yay! lol alrighty then if that will be all good bye for now....
Curious about what happened to Draco?
Check out "Hogwarts Love Story Special - Draco Malfoy" Get a glimpse of what really went through his mind!
Wow totally loved it! Especially the twins and Umbridge. She's awesome but nobody likes her. Looking forward to her classes!
*waiting patiently for Olive moment* The scene with the twins was great, not many people have them, my memory is coming back, i remember cleary about the trial, Umbridge, even though it's been years
This was awesome as per usual! Would it be silly to say after Draco I would like more draco?? Haha but seriously, more Draco! =P
Loved It! Out Of Curiosity, When Is The Series Over For Ever? Not To Be Mean! Just Curious. Please Don't Take It In A Mean Way!
@AiFiahK3mE - Well, depends how you read it & yeah, he won't! It's hard for me to write the results, so I might as well have a moment with him (:
Part 27 is out :D
Awww,love the twins^_^ .Stupid Umbridge!! Story-me hasn't been kissed by either of the twins,yet!(hint,hin t!)
@natuhleegayle Huh? Cedric's moment won't end so well...? >:
And YAY ^-^ Maybe Oliver won't be the last one after all =D
I'd also like to sneak in a kiss with the twins somehow :3 lol
Evenstar1 -
Awww the twins :3 I loved that scene. And Draco? D: aww... WHO hurt my Draco >:(
I'd like if the next guy would be Neville :3
i am NOT a oliver fan but i would love to see the looks on the other guys faces! (yea i know i mentioned that before but still so true)
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