IcyDesignns's Profile

Joined on Jan 24, 2012
Status Level: Experienced
IcyDesignns's Quizzes
- Death's Aroma: Pt 5[published: Aug 08, 2012, 4 comments]
Acacia arrives at Camp Calculation!! It turns out, it's not a real math camp as told so. It was just a……
- Death's Aroma: Pt 4[published: Aug 08, 2012, 3 comments]
After Acacia recovers from the fall off a cliff, Mirabel visits with a vase of flowers, comforting her. They……
- Death's Aroma: Pt 3[published: Aug 02, 2012, 4 comments]
On the run from her haunted school, Acacia finds herself in a cold and dark room. As she touches a faint……
- Death's Aroma: Pt 2.5[published: Jul 30, 2012, 5 comments]
As Acacia is being dragged threw the hallway and into a mysterious spot in her living rooml she doesn't……
- Death's Aroma: Pt 2[published: Jul 23, 2012, 10 comments]
Three days after Acacia Valentine's move to Charleston, South Carolina, she starts school at Bronxford High……
- Death's Aroma: Pt 1[published: Jul 18, 2012, 16 comments]
Two years after Acacia Valentine's sister died from getting hit by a car, her and her parents move from……
- Icy's Talk Show Ft. Zane Is Here[published: Jul 17, 2012, 6 comments]
Helloes! This is part two of Icy's Talk Show or what I guess you can call a story? I don't……
- Icy's Talk Show Ft. Carrotop[published: Jul 17, 2012, 5 comments]
I have decided to make a talk show, just for the laughs. Our forst guest is Carrotop AKA Hailey.……
- How Annoying Are You?[published: Jul 16, 2012, 32 comments]
There are so many annoying people out there in this crazy world. The only problem is -- they don't know……
- Which Disney Prince Do You Look Like?[published: Jul 16, 2012, 9 comments]
Have you ever watched the Disney princess movies like Snow White, The Little Mermaid,……
- How Much Do You Know GTQ Users?[published: Jul 14, 2012, 14 comments]
Do you really, truely think you know your Go To Quiz. Com friends? Or maybe you can come here……
- Which U.S. State Should You Live In?[published: Jul 13, 2012, 18 comments]
Have you ever wanted to move to a different state to start a new life? Maybe you did but……
- P.S. I Love You {Pt 4}[published: Jul 12, 2012, 3 comments]
Hello readers! This is IcyDesignns here. Okay, so, I have made a huge decision.....this is going to be……
- P.S. I Love You {Pt 3}[published: Jul 05, 2012, 4 comments]
Auditions for P.S. I Love You {Pt 4} will take place today. I will tell you how to do it at the end of……
- P.S. I Love You {Pt 2}[published: Jun 28, 2012, 7 comments]
Auditions for P.S. I Love You {Pt 4} will take place today. I will tell you how to do it at the end of……
- P.S. I Love You[published: Jun 21, 2012, 14 comments]
This story is kind of a mixture of Letters to Juliet and A Cinderella Story. I will add more guys on the next……
- IT'S MY BIRTHDAY !!![published: Jun 20, 2012, 22 comments]
This Ish Maii Birthday Quiz ! It Is June 20th , 2012 , And Danqq , Im Gettinq Old !!! Lol , Jk . And i Also……
- Icy's GTQ Shout Outs :D[published: Jun 19, 2012, 11 comments]
This Is A Big Shout Out Go My Group Of Friends And Family On GoToQuiz .Com . I Mean ... It Is HUGE ,……
- How Did You Die In A Past Life?[published: Jun 18, 2012, 46 comments]
Have you ever wondered how you died in your past life? Of course, no one really believes in past……
- The Ultimate Would You Rather?[published: Jun 08, 2012, 25 comments]
This is the The Ultimate Would You Rather Game and it is filled with the most wacky , crazy ,……
- Everlasting[published: Jun 07, 2012, 12 comments]
When Alana Marie Carter's dad died from an explosion at the Expo Center, she has been having flashbacks and dreams……
- The Hunger Games: Part Four[published: May 13, 2012, 5 comments]
Hey guys! The Hunger Games: Part Four is also written in Gale Hawthorne's narration instead of……
- The Hunger Games: Part Three[published: May 11, 2012, 3 comments]
The Hunger Games: Part Three is written in Gale Hawthorne's words; in other words he is the……
- The Hunger Games: Part Two[published: May 10, 2012, 3 comments]
When Katniss and Gale get choosen for the reaping-Well, I can't tell you that! "A typical kid NEEDS a……
- The Hunger Games: Part One[published: May 06, 2012, 11 comments]
This is my version of The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games takes place in a nation known as Panem,……
- Which Disney Princess Do You Look Like?[published: Mar 14, 2012, 30 comments]
Have you ever wondered what Disney princess you looked like? Cinderella? Snow-White?……
- What Color Matches Your Personality ?[published: Feb 04, 2012, 8 comments]
This quiz is to determine what color matches your personality and I really hope that all……
- Who Would You Be If You Were In My Family ?[published: Feb 02, 2012, 9 comments]
okay so obviously this is not real or accurate but i still kinda tried to make it……
- Would you be my friend or enemy ?[published: Jan 30, 2012, 13 comments]
If you're my friend we would hang out all the time and I know all the best places to hang out……
- What Is Your Inner Animal ?[published: Jan 29, 2012, 8 comments]
We all have something primative lurking inside us, no matter how deep. If it's a brave lion, a……
IcyDesignns's Recent Posts
"Xavier, you're one amazing dude. Honestly, at first, I thought you were, ya know, newby. Then, as I usually do to all newbs, I hated you. Th..."
"I would love to give you one. I do them on Facebook all the time! Hold on, this might take awhile."
"Icy cannot dance, either. Virtually, that is. But Icy has been wondering why Cheshire talk in third person. Just out of curio"
"I cannot stand beer, also. It's makes me want to barf. I will help myself to this, lemonade.."
"Icy does not accept such pity apologies, nor does she lie. Icy supposes being friends will be ok, but not hating others is not a promise. Gu..."
"Thank you, sexy stranger. Have any beer?"
"I love scaring the shit out of people. It amuses me c:"
"Yes, Cheshire is very sexy. Am I invited?"
"I know. I was kidding, too. You should have saw me five minutes ago laughing my ass off at your post. xD"
"And you're one heartless beast."
"Xavier, Ight. You got me there. Bu that was cold, brah."
"*Xavier's 'Sexy Party'* Me: I already know I'm sexy, so I won't even bother for asking. *starts dancing* Xavier: Who told you "
"Xavier, stop hatin' man. You're just jelous that I'm sexy and you look like a beast."
IcyDesignns's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: Somewhat attractive
Well, you aren't the hottest gal in town, but thats okay. All the guys might not stare at you…"
1 -
"Your Result: Jenny
If you had a different name, yours would be Jenny. Chances are, You have curly shoulder length red hair and…"
1 -
"what random item/animal are you
Your Result: the towelalways around, plain and simple is how you play.youv never done anything…"
1 -
" Hahh, I got green. I don't me mother would allow that :)"
1 -
"You stalk me? :O"
1 -
"Thanks guys :)"
1 -
"36% Cool."
1 -
"Thanks guys :)"
1 -
"Aria, thank you for recognizing me. That means a lot to me, honestly. I think another writr you should to the list should be I Forgot My…"
1 -
"Thank you Lorren :)
Aria, that means a lot coming from you. Your an amazing writter. I thought this one was a bit worse then part…"