zomgirl's Profile

Joined on Nov 5, 2011
Status Level: Advanced
zomgirl's Quizzes
- Boredom has taken over.[published: Sep 19, 2012, 1 comment]
Why are you reading this? Go to the quiz! I'm going to copy and paste something to pass the time! wait……
- The Tempest part three[published: Mar 25, 2012, 3 comments]
ok this is part 3 in my Tempest series. i am very tired adn i had to work my butt off today again at……
- The Tempest part two[published: Mar 11, 2012, 6 comments]
okay then so this is the second part in my series The Tempest! i REALLYYYYY hope i spelled that right xD……
- The Tempest part one[published: Mar 03, 2012, 7 comments]
Hi so this is my first quiz in this maybe series. i hope you like it and if your wondering it's based off……
- Saved or Savoir?[published: Feb 27, 2012, 4 comments]
OKay this is the next quiz for a series i want to make for no reason at all. ok now tiem for random……
- Vampirates or Pirates?[published: Feb 24, 2012, 4 comments]
Alright if you dont know me i'm some person. ok we got that done. so anyways PLZ dont rate this cuz this……
- Do you hate Justin Bieber????[published: Dec 11, 2011, 17 comments]
hilo people i dont know and never will know cuz i dont WANT to know you..... so you hate Justin……
- how well do you know Vampirates?[published: Nov 23, 2011]
are you a TRUE Vampirtes fan if so take this quiz. look i hate typing so i'm just gonna write……
- will u survive a zombie Apocalypse?[published: Nov 06, 2011, 4 comments]
so you think you can survive a zombie attack? many people do and most of them are VERY……
zomgirl's Recent Posts
"But eh. I just want to talk to the people I know to give small updates :) And if this is ignored well flapjacks."
"God dammit Lazarus."
"MKay then. Thanks for your concern. I'm gonna go calm Seth down. Hope you get better; you seem stressed."
"Dammit. You don't f---ing know do you? I had my last kids 3 months premature, and one of them died after a year; and Spencer is in a worse s..."
"Screw you. You know it's not congrats..."
"Ally look at my last thread. So sorry to interrupt."
"**hugs Lizzy back lightly** I'm so tired."
"I do too. Trust me. I don't think I could stand losing another one of my children."
"We're not sure yet. I just had him just 3 days ago so it's still too early to really tell. They say he will be but I know they're not sure"
"I had Spencer. About 3 months premature. Just thought is tell people who care for me."
"Totally did."
"Has he ever sassed off a college professor, kicked your ex in the 'area', or let your kids sleep on him for almost 19 hours? No. I don't ..."
"His manhood xD? How would it be gone? He is the sweetest man on this planet. And I will be sure to."
"To be honest, I think we would have stayed together for a long time. I'm honestly not doing this for me. I'm doing it mostly for my children..."
"**laughs bit and pats your back** I am too babe, trust me. Samara already wants to go looking for wedding dresses. But I don't want to get m..."
zomgirl's Recent Quiz Comments
"I bet now everyone's going to do this xD"
1 -
"I love these quizzes!"
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"I cannot choose but if I had to............ Hunger games. Don't hurt me people who want a different one!"
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"Draco. My work here is done."
1 -
"That's my CIT name! Goober! and nice quiz,"
1 -
"Ok this was really great! Worth the wait but I didn't like waiting -_- haha but still very well written and just great in all ways! But not…"
1 -
"70%..... and I don't even live here!"
1 -
"Great quiz! You should do one on the book too"
1 -
"This was for sure a wonderful start! I'm in archery so I know how it is with the sports haha! Well still this was fantastic and I very much…"
1 -
"Ok I laughed so much at the ninja Oliver thing! And 'the voices at back' thing, GREAT! Though personally I couldn't laugh in my mind…"