xxblutixx's Profile


Joined on Mar 8, 2011
Status Level: Senior

Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
Quality Quizzer
100 Quiz
1K Quiz
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xxblutixx's Quizzes

xxblutixx's Recent Posts

  • My thread:3
    "I had one! But... now I dont know if I like it xD it might be too... convenient. Ill make one later I guess (and Ill remember y"
  • My thread:3
    "Ah I love worldbuilding and character backstory x) I feel like I should do Instagram. I keep hearing lots of artists are switc"
  • My thread:3
    "Hm. Ive had interest in drawing for longer than writing, but if I had to choose one to go without - I wouldnt want to go without writing. It..."
  • My thread:3
    "Thats fair. Im not sure which one comes more naturally to me hmmm... By the way, what was your name on deviantart? I cant remem"
  • My thread:3
    "The rewrite included more detail and more complex and varied sentence structure . I think its better! ..."
  • My thread:3
    "RVELEZZZ Im still here ;)"
  • My thread:3
    " Just passing by to say hi "
  • Ro's thread of Art
    "I agree, life has it's ups and downs. Recently been in more of a down spot ;v; but I know I'll get through it eventually (please can that ti..."
  • Ro's thread of Art
    "Pfff there's no need to miss me if I'm still around... ish ^^; I was really happy to see a familiar name still around here ~ How have you be..."
  • Ro's thread of Art
    "*stares* art and Rvelez... *.* you're great! I really like your self-portrait, that first acrylic painting, the watercolor building painting..."
  • Story Quizzes
    "@funniebunnie01 Unfortunately, no :c I think she's super busy with school and extracurriculars. I know she replies to messages on Wattpad th..."
  • Story Quizzes
    "@funniebunnie01 Ah Nat if I have time (u..."
  • Story Quizzes
    "@rhimicha haha :) Well all the guys are nice choices, in my opinion (well... I'm not sure if Logan a..."
  • Story Quizzes
    "My problem with Physics usually is that I get the math mixed up (I'm good at understanding math concepts, bad at noticing when I write a min..."
  • Story Quizzes
    "Ah, I'm a chemistry chica ~"

xxblutixx's Recent Quiz Comments
