Don't leave me hanging part 36

Welcome to the thirty-sixth part of my first story quiz series! If you haven't already, you might want to read the others, so you can understand the story. A little later than I planned for this release, but a little longer than planned, so I guess it all works out. I might have time to finally release an overdue part of "The Other Side" tomorrow or in a couple days, and I would appreciate if you could check it out. Thanks!
Recap: You found out that Emilia's loyalties lie with Blake as she turned on you and captured you. Through a variety of scuffles with her, Logan, and Quincy, involving books, glass rods, and an encounter with Dominic, you finally manage to escape. You and Kalia fly off a balcony, carrying Justin between you. However, Quincy won't let you leave with the last act as he throws his knife directly at you.