Don't leave me hanging part 31

Welcome to the thirty-first part of my first story quiz! If you haven't already read the others, you might want to. Sorry I took a while on this part, I was having some writer's block. This quiz is focused on Blake, so you'll find the results a little different.
Recap: The party has started, and you first visit Justin. After a chat, you return to the dance floor where Cory dances a foxtrot with you and full-out kisses you. You leave to look at the necklace in the foyer, and find Kris. He invites you to waltz which turns out perfect except for the interruption of a fight between Emilia and Petra. To escape the violence, you go upstairs and head into a room to get some fresh air from the balcony, only to realize that Blake is on the same balcony.