Don't leave me hanging part 19

Welcome to the nineteenth part of my first story quiz! If you haven't read the others, you might want to. Since descriptions of the guys were requested, I put Justin, Cory, Kris, Jack, Logan, and Blake's descriptions in the last 6 questions because it was too long for the second introduction paragraph. If anyone wants another character's description or details, tell me in the comments, and I'll post it there.
That picture to the left is how I picture Marisa. I'm proud I made that myself :3 even though the picture isn't that interesting XP Recap: Stella's mom summarized the whole conflict again and gave you time to ask her questions. You met Marisa, the leader of the local werewolf pack, then curled up with Cory on the couch to watch a Scooby Doo movie.
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